It says the caste system is an extension of the varna system, where the 4 varnas originated from the body of Bramha.
Social dehumanization is not the core of the Varna system as the Varna system comes with the concept of second birth . Caste system existed and still exists in many countries of the world though it may not be as profound as . The Caste system started in 1200 BCE. Lata Sinha. Brahmins (mainly teachers and intellectuals) is on top of Varna hierarchy and came from Brahma's head. After learning about the Difference between Caste and Class, visit the below-given links for important information . Varna is decided by Karma and not by J. Caste system is static whereas the class system is dynamic. Every one who is practicing caste please watch the below video to see how you are contributing to the society. Caste or 'Jati' originates from the root word 'Jana' which implies taking birth. A fresher in Workforce is as important as fresher in finance. Because of the caste system, there is different social, economic and political status. Cumulative Inequality is a distinctive feature of the caste system.

Varna system is free from socio-economic and political disabilities as well as restrictions. 5. Difference between caste and Varna: Caste system: * In a caste system when you are born to for example Smithy. In Indian terminology Caste System is known as 'Varna Vyavastha'. As nouns the difference between caste and varna is that caste is any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of south asian societies while varna is (hinduism) any of the four original castes in hinduism, or the system of such castes. The segregation of people based on their Varna was intended to decongest the responsibilities of one's life, preserve the purity of a caste, and establish eternal order. Caste was the invention of a group of greedy vaidikas to subjugate the subaltern population of India. But unfortunately, the caste system is one of the worst things that Hindu society has accepted from the West. The early historic references also talk about a class-based and not caste-based society in ancient India, in the Vedic society too, there are clear references that the Varna system was based on merit and not on birth. The Four Varna system of ancient India was originally based upon the idea of an organic social order that remains relevant today. Puranic texts mention untouchables . 1.Traditional Theory. There are mainly four castes (Varna) in Hinduism: 1) Brahmin: the priest caste. According to S. A Nigosian in World Religions, the caste system, "Is its (India) system of social stratification"(Nigosian 136). It consists of two different concepts, varna and jāti , which may be regarded as different levels of analysis of this system The Varna system helped Vedic society to protect and preserve family occupations and job specific skills, and ensure the continuation of family lineages, while minimizing conflicts and competition between them. The system of caste seems better than Varna as the Varna system is infeasible in the current context of Indian society. Disclaimer: The facts and opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the .
A discussion of how varnas as described in the Rigveda and Bhagavad Gita relate to the notion of "caste" in modern India. Stephanie Jamison and Joel Brereton, professors of Sanskrit and Religious studies, state, "there is no evidence in the Rigveda for an elaborate, much-subdivided and overarching caste system", and "the varna system seems to be embryonic in the Rigveda and, both then and later, a social ideal rather than a social reality". Varna on the other hand belongs to Sanatana Dharma. The much abused term varna and mischievously translated as 'caste' has demoralised Indians in all walks of life.Varna is not caste.Caste has racial connotations. This paper traces the origin of such a system via the Western, Brahmanical and Marxist theories and provides a critical analysis of the same. In ancient India, society had a system of classification that was known as Varna vyavastha or system. In the caste system an uneducated Brahman is respected while an educated Shudra is looked down upon. The system of varna insisted that the law of social life should not be cold and cruel competition, but harmony and co-operation. Difference Between Jati and Varna. Derived from Portuguese word 'casta'. There are many theories like traditional, racial, political, occupational, evolutionary etc which try to explain the caste system in India. This group has been termed the panchama (the fifth varna), collectively designating all who fall outside the regular four classes.. The Rigveda portrays the classes as coming forth from, respectively, the mouth, arms, thighs, and feet of the primeval person. It also naturally leads to a unique guild system very much unlike the European idea of guild. In this way, caste is determined at birth whereas Varna is acquired by a person according to his nature. Learn about India's caste system, India's Caste and Class - Varna, Caste, and Other Divisions, ancient India caste systems…. Derived from Portuguese word 'casta'. Caste and Varnas are two separate concepts. Caste system works as a political force. The system of four varnas was a man-made structure based on one group exploiting others Hindu scholars contend that the original system was based on co-operation, mutual service to God, and commensurate rights and responsibilities.

The highest class for the Feudal system was the King; but in the Caste system it was the Brahmins (Priests), although the king was part of the second tier the Kshatriyas. . Dr. B R Ambedkar raised several question on caste system and at the same time provided benefits and protection to . 4) Shudra: servant or slave caste. The purpose of Varna Shastra was to create a social structure which is prevalent in every societies in order to maintain harmony. According to this theory, the caste system is of divine origin.

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varna system vs caste system