Insider Trading Policy December 2020 4 g. “regularly scheduled blackout periods” begin the first day of the month following each quarter or year-end and end at the close of business on the second trading day following the time at which Allied discloses its annual or quarterly financial results. Obligations . Related Posts View All NASPP Blog 4 Trends in Trading Blackout Periods. Director and executive officer education regarding the trading prohibitions under Regulation BTR could dovetail with similar education procedures under the company's insider trading policy. Insider Trading and Blackout Policy This memorandum sets forth the “Policy” of The Corporation Graphite Inc. (the “Corporation”) on insider trading and trading blackouts in order to ensure the strict compliance by all Insiders (as defined below) with the prohibition against insider trading. ensuring that this Policy is amended as necessary to remain up-to-date with insider trading laws; (iii) notifying Covered Persons (as defined in Part II below) and, if appropriate, other employees of the Company of the Company’s imposition of a trading “blackout” period as described in … From time to time, the Disclosure Committee may advise the directors, officers and certain or all employees of the Corporation not to trade in securities of the Corporation or a counter-party. Insiders designated by the Company’s chief legal officer are prohibited from trading in Vectren Securities during Insider Blackout Periods. Prior written clearance 8. This Trading Blackout Period is a particularly sensitive period of time for transactions in the Company's stock from the perspective of compliance with U.S. securities laws. The policy also requires directors and employees to obtain the General Counsel’s consent before trading in NZX’s securities. This Policy will be reviewed periodically … “Company” or 3 Securities covered by this policy 1 4 Prohibition on insider trading for all Imricor Personnel 2 4.1 Regulation 2 4.2 General rule 2 4.3 Examples of inside information 3 5 Additional trading restrictions for Designated Persons 4 5.1 Blackout periods 4 5.2 Written clearance to trade during a Blackout Period 4 Examples Price Sensitive Information about Argosy or its related Given the current situation, a company — depending on its industry, prior disclosure, and specific facts and circumstances — may want to consider its practices and policies concerning closed trading windows or blackouts. 1. profitability based on trades made in prohibited blackout periods. Furthermore, they called for rules where companies should require approval of 10b5-1 plans by their general counsel and disallow plan adoption during trading blackout windows. 9-919 DATED July 28, 2020 PAGE NO 1 of 4 ISSUED BY: Legal Department PREPARED BY: General Counsel APPROVED BY: Board of Directors SUBJECT: Blackout Periods BLACKOUT POLICY A. In brief - Listed companies now need a trading policy From 1 January 2011 listed companies are required under ASX Listing Rule 12.9 to adopt a trading policy. blackout periods under individual account retirement plans. Specific Policies. Trading also might be restricted in response to major events, such as mergers or acquisitions, when corporate insiders have access to material information. Nov 17,2020 Barbara Baksa. These can vary by level in company and by who knows the information. MICROBIX BIOSYSTEMS INC.. Disclosure, Insider Trading and Blackout Policy . Trading in certain of the Corporation’s securities may be prohibited from time to time as a result of there being undisclosed Material Information. In this Policy, references to "you" include: your family members who reside with you; Insider Trading and Blackout Policy Administrators for the purpose of administering this Policy. Trading Policy or the Company’s Pre-clearance and Blackout Policy for Company personnel to sell (or purchase) securities of the Company under certain pre-planned trading programs adopted to purchase or sell securities in the future which are in compliance with SEC Rule 10b5-1. 3.2 Blackout Periods Throughout the year, certain Blackout Periods operate during which time Access Persons must not Trade in MFG Securities. Insider Trading and Blackout Policy Document no : POL-ADM-0002_EN Release no : 1.0 New Review : 2018-02-17 NON-CONTROLED WHEN PRINTED PAGE 4 SUR 6 INTERNAL USE ONLY (5) a person prescribed by regulation or designated as an insider under section 272.2 of the Securities Act (Quebec). No Trading During Quarterly “Blackout Periods” In order to protect you and Spotify from allegations of insider trading, this Policy prohibits you from buying or selling Spotify’s securities during the quarterly “blackout periods,” which begin on the first day of the last month of … This Blackout B. Trading not subject to this policy 9. Blackout periods generally occur when insiders have access to material information, such as financial performance. 2 – Draft a provision in the award agreement to provide that if vesting occurs during a blackout period, that the award shall continue to remain unvested until the first date of an open window 2 The term “trading policy” is defined in Listing Rule19.12 to mean “an entity’s policy relating to trading in [its] securities by [its] key management personnel during prohibited periods.” The definition of “key management personnel” is set out in the text accompanying note : 17. The Policy incorporates the rules on trading and dealings in securities included in if you are subject to a trading blackout under this Policy at the time you cease to be affiliated with the Company, you are expected to abide by the applicable trading restrictions until at least the end of the relevant blackout period. TRADING AND BLACKOUT POLICY . How should companies revisit their regular trading windows in light of the current environment? This policy governs the personal trading and investments of all employees of BlackRock, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Firm”) globally. 4.3 (Exceptional circumstances) below, in addition to the general prohibition on Insider Trading described in Section 3 above, United Malt Persons (or their associates) must not buy or sell United Malt INSIDER TRADING POLICY . Roles and Responsibilities. Companies often look to the trading window and blackout procedures applicable to insiders that are specified in their insider trading policies as guidelines for determining when a company may be aware of MNPI. MeaTech 3D Ltd. Insider Trading and Blackout Policy Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 24, 2021 1 ... | May 21, 2021 addition, if you are subject toa trading blackout under this Policy at the t ime you cease to be affiliated with the Company, you are expected to abide by the applicable trading restrictions until at least the end of the relevant blackout period. Trading and Blackout Policy Administrators for an exemption that permits them to trade securities of Granite or alter the terms of such automatic trading plan during the blackout period. From time to time, the Company may impose a “special trading blackout,” p rohibiting trading in … If you don't understand how this policy works or if you are unsure how it applies to you, please contact the Company Secretary. The one word that's important to note when it comes to MLB's blackout policy is "regionalization." Please note that this blackout period is separate from, and in addition to, the trading blackout periods under the Company’s Insider Trading, Tipping and Hedging Policy. The Q1 2009 review by ASX Market Supervision of trading by directors during the ‘blackout’ The MFG Board may at its discretion designate additional trading windows. Blackout Periods No trading during Blackout Periods 3.1 All Trading in Securities by Employees must comply with this Policy and generally will not be permitted during Blackout Periods. Now we apply the trading policy to all employees (e.g., reminder of rules prohibiting trading on material non-public information concerning our stock or that of suppliers/customer etc. Most established, and well-governed public companies have specific written so-called "blackout" policies -- i.e., policies that prohibit the board, CEO, CFO and several other executive level officers from trading in the company's securities during periods when it is likely that there might be material undisclosed information about the company in the possession of these "insiders".… 5. Further guidance can also be obtained from Corporate Advisory Legal, the Group Executive, Legal & Commercial Services or the Group Company Secretary. The Board is responsible for the approving, interpreting and addressing violations of this policy… The vesting of restricted stock, or the exercise of a tax withhold right Although the company’s directors and officers are therefore barred by company policy from trading during this period, it may nevertheless be possible for the company or its major […] minimum requirements around the adoption, content and disclosure of a company trading policy under the Listing Rules would complement the existing regulatory arrangements. 0.3. MLB blackout policy. A Blackout Period will be in effect and no securities are to be traded (and no clearance will be given), even Nevertheless, trading profitability for insiders of firms with a trading policy, regardless of whether that policy specifies a blackout period, is significantly lower than for insiders of firms without a trading policy. (a) During any period that is not a trading blackout period under section 3.2, Restricted Persons must, prior to any proposed dealing, seek approval for the proposed dealing in the Company’s securities. The Q1 2009 review by ASX Market Supervision of trading by directors during the ‘blackout’ The insider trading policy should establish trading blackout periods. Persons in a “Special Relationship” with Patriot Insider trading is strictly regulated by Part … Related Posts View All NASPP Blog 4 Trends in Trading Blackout Periods. No exceptions based on personal circumstances . Acceptable Transactions During Blackout Periods or when an Allowable Trading Period is not in effect - Pre-clearance is required: 1. The Hershey Company (the “Company”) has adopted this Insider Trading Policy (this ... trading blackout or, with respect to Section 16 Individuals and Key Employees, while the Company’s trading window is closed. A table is set out at the end of this policy to provide an overview. INTRODUCTION . TRADING AND BLACKOUT POLICY Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to ensure compliance with applicable Canadian securities laws governing trading in securities of Alaris Equity Partners Income Trust (Trust) while in possession of material non-public information concerning the Trust, and tipping or disclosing material non-public information to you are subject to a trading blackout under this Policy at the time you cease to be affiliated with the Company, you are expected to abide by the applicable trading restrictions until at least the end of the relevant blackout period. 14. H.R. Nevertheless, trading profitability for insiders of firms with a trading policy, regardless of whether that policy specifies a blackout period, is significantly lower than for insiders of firms without a trading policy. GENERAL. This policy explains the Company’s disclosure and trading policies and practices. The Arconic Corporation (“Arconic”) Insider Trading Policy (the “Policy”) is designed to prevent insider trading violations or allegations of such violations, to protect Arconic’s reputation for integrity and ethical conduct, and to maintain the confidence of shareholders and the public markets. as the issuer’s insider trading policy Possible Solution No. The SEC wants all traders to feel like they participate on a level playing field, and without insider trading laws that wouldn't happen. Consider whether your insider trading policy should prohibit the entrance into or amendment or cancellation of a Rule 10b5-1 plan during a blackout period. The Insider For quarterly earnings, the h. SHARE TRADING POLICY 3 3.3 Blackout Period Subject to Section 3.2, the Directors, the Company Secretary, the senior management team and such other persons as the Board nominates from time to time (each a Designated Person) may not deal in the Company’s Securities during the following “blackout … Designated Insiders will be notified via e-mail when a Blackout Period begins and ends. Italicized words used in this policy (including the Appendices) have the meanings set out in Appendix A – Glossary . Rule 10b5-1 trading plans, when properly adopted, have become an effective means for insiders to continue to trade in their company's securities even when they are aware of material non-public information and even during a blackout period. If you will be permitting remitting selling shares to cover taxes in a blackout period, it's best if your insider trading policy clearly indicates this exception. Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to ensure compliance with applicable Canadian securities laws governing trading in securities of Alaris Royalty Corp. (Company) while in possession of material non-public information concerning the Company, and tipping or disclosing material nonpublic information to - outsiders. Insider Trading Blackout Policy. -Rachel. Blackout Periods, except as provided by the Policy for the exercise of stock options. Our insider trading policy affects some of our stock-based compensation plans. 2. insider trading and disclosure policy | page 3 General blackout periods coincide with the preparation and release of MEG’s quarterly and annual financial statements and are designed to ensure that there is no perception that any Representatives are profitability based on trades made in prohibited blackout periods. POLICY NO. Insider Trading Policy | Page . The company's insider trading policy (containing trading "windows" or "blackouts") would contain similar prohibitions on trading. As such, trades in Marimaca’s securities1 are subject to SECURITIES TRADING POLICY STATEMENT Effective July 29, 2020 subject to a specified blackout period restricting trading in Securities for so long as such specific notification or blackout period remains in force, until terminated by notice in writing; and (d) persons providing administrative or The insider trading laws and the various rules in this policy can seem complex. Two (2) trading days after the disclosure of any material information other than Item 4.1 above. a “blackout period” has been instituted by the Company (See Section 3.5, “Blackout Periods”). Additional Blackout Periods may also be imposed at other times when Undisclosed Material Information is deemed to exist. In particular, insiders must refrain from trading during the blackout periods set out . Stock Option and Stock Appreciation Right Exercises. Please note that, although the Trading Blackout Periods apply only to directors, officers TRADING AND BLACKOUT POLICY Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to ensure compliance with applicable Canadian securities laws governing trading in securities of Alaris Equity Partners Income Trust (Trust) while in possession of material non-public information concerning the Trust, and tipping or disclosing material non-public information to of an Unscheduled Trading Blackout . Designated Persons regarding this policy and of any notifications of dealings given. Trading Blackout Periods: A specified time-frame when trading in specific securities is restricted as determined by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. 9-919 DATED August 2, 2018 PAGE NO 1 of 4 ISSUED BY: Legal Department PREPARED BY: General Counsel APPROVED BY: Board of Directors SUBJECT: Blackout Periods BLACKOUT POLICY A. INSIDER TRADING AND BLACKOUT POLICY THIS POLICY IS MANDATORY Only the original version retained in the Human Resources Policy Manual at the Human Resources Department of Uni-Select Inc.�s (�Corporation�) head office, as amended from … If you will be permitting remitting selling shares to cover taxes in a blackout period, it's best if your insider trading policy clearly indicates this exception. Sec. If there is a subsequent change in the timing of the blackout period, you will receive an updated notice. (Note that this article does not address the DOL rules relat-ing to blackout periods that apply to ERISA plans.) Blackout Periods relating to financial results will be effective without further notice. The "Blackout Period" is: (a) for quarterly financial results, the period beginning at the end of the trading day that is two (2) weeks prior to the end of the quarter and ending at the end of the first full trading day after the financial results are publicly disclosed. The Company’s chief legal officer will determine its longevity Exchanges regulators around the world have rules and committees in place to help prevent insider trading. H.R. If it does not, be wary of any such change to a 10b5-1 plan during a blackout since the insider is prohibited from having material non-public information at the time of any such change. 2. of . Acquisitions or dispositions of Company securities under the Company’s 3.2 No Trading in Securities may occur during a Blackout Period without the prior written INSIDER TRADING, REPORTING & BLACKOUT POLICY Introduction The purpose of this Insider Trading, Reporting & Blackout Policy (the “Insider Trading Policy”), is to explain certain legal concepts with respect to trading in the securities of LeadFX Inc. (the. Sec. For further information on the Company’s policy with respect to trading restrictions and blackouts, please refer to the Company’s Insider Trading policy. • Special blackout periods for other confidential information, such as acquisitions or FDA decisions. makes family members aware of this policy and encourages them to avoid trading during Blackout Periods. Policy. 14. Plunging commodity prices in recent years, coupled withcorporate 3 2. Reporting Insiders and Designated Insiders may only trade in CGI Securities within the period beginning on the third Securities Trading Policy page 4 security, where the final date for the exercise of the option or right, or the conversion of the security, falls during a Blackout Period. 1.5 Guidance on the application of this Policy is set out in the Group Securities Policy Guidance Trading Note. MICROBIX BIOSYSTEMS INC.. Disclosure, Insider Trading and Blackout Policy . (signature) Insider Trading and Blackout Policy (Amended and Restated on September 19, 2019) This Insider Trading Policy provides guidelines to all personnel, including employees (both domestic and international), directors and officers of McGrath RentCorp and its subsidiaries (collectively, Finally, our findings Trading in Securities of the Company – … It is fundamental that everyone investing in securities of Microbix Biosystems Inc. (the “Corporation”) have equal access to information that may affect their investment 3. 2. SECURITIES TRADING POLICY 4 RESTRICTIONS ON TRADING IN BLACKOUT PERIODS No trading during Blackout Periods Subject to Section . Policy on Inside Information and Insider Trading ... the release date for purposes of this policy is deemed to be the next trading day. Expectations . Trading policies are designed to reduce the potential for conflicts of interest and insider trading. 3.5 Blackout Periods Most established, and well-governed public companies have specific written so-called "blackout" policies -- i.e., policies that prohibit the board, CEO, CFO and several other executive level officers from trading in the company's securities during periods when it is likely that there might be material undisclosed information about the company in the possession of these "insiders".… This Policy has been reviewed and approved by the Board and may be reviewed and Additional Trading Restrictions Blackout periods You must not trade in Restricted Securities during any of the following blackout periods: 30 days prior to Geo’s half-year balance date until the first trading day after the half-year results are released to NZX; The Alexis Minerals Corp. Insider Trading Policy and Blackout Policy (the “Policy”) has been adopted by the board of directors (the “Board”) of Alexis Minerals Corp. (“Alexis” or the “Company”). 02/20621/blackout.2 Page 1 of 8 INSIDER TRADING POLICY LIBERATOR MEDICAL HOLDINGS, INC. All directors, executive officers, certain designated employees and consultants of Liberator Medical Holdings, Inc., and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) who have access to material non- ... Insider Trading Policy and Restricted Persons Trading Policy TI. handle questions about th e information which is the subject of the blackout. PURPOSE The Hershey Company (the “Company”) has adopted this Insider Trading Policy (this ... special trading blackout or, with respect to Section 16 Individuals and Key Employees, while the Company’s trading window is closed. Insider Trading and Blackout Period Policy. Exercise of stock options either on a "cash for stock" or "stock for stock" basis where no Pitney Bowes stock is sold to fund the option exercise. SECURITIES TRADING POLICY STATEMENT Effective July 29, 2020 subject to a specified blackout period restricting trading in Securities for so long as such specific notification or blackout period remains in force, until terminated by notice in writing; and (d) persons providing administrative or The Insider The GC told you that he instituted a blackout period prohibiting transactions in the ... use by trading ahead of an announcement in violation of a duty of trust and confidence (such as a fiduciary duty) owed to ... and company policy might limit agents to use only certain methods: PURPOSE . INV has determined that its restricted persons are all Directors, Foreign private issuers, who satisfy the blackout period requirements, are subject to the prohibition if the number of U.S. plan participants subject to the temporary trading restriction is either (a) greater than 15% of the issuer's worldwide workforce, or (b) greater than 50,000 in number. INSIDER TRADING AND BLACKOUT POLICY THIS POLICY IS MANDATORY Only the original version retained in the Human Resources Policy Manual at the Human Resources Department of Uni-Select Inc.�s (�Corporation�) head office, as amended from … Companies often look to the trading window and blackout procedures applicable to insiders that are specified in their insider trading policies as guidelines for determining when a company may be aware of MNPI. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Board has adopted this Policy in relation to the buying, selling and dealing (trading) of Freedom Food Group Limited (FFG) shares and other FFG securities (securities).1.2 The Policy arises out of the requirements of the Corporations Act and the Listing Rules of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Employees not otherwise subject to the Quarterly Blackout Periods are encouraged to refrain from trading Howmet Aerospace securities during the Quarterly Blackout Periods to avoid the appearance of improper trading. It is the policy of the Company to oppose the unauthorized disclosure of any nonpublic information acquired in the workplace, the use of Material Nonpublic Information in securities trading and any other violation of applicable securities laws. ... -Amended Insider Trading Policy and Procedures 1-71-Model Memorandum to Department Heads Regarding Certifications 1-72-Model Board Resolutions 1-72-Guidelines for Rule 10b5-1 Plans 1-73. Regularly Scheduled Blackout Periods Securities of the Company may not be traded by Designated Persons during a trading Blackout Period. Trading Day, the date of Public Disclosure shall be considered to be the next Trading Day. Blackout periods During a blackout period, directors and senior staff are prevented from trading in their company's stock. 5. PURPOSE The purpose of this Blackout Policy (the “Policy”) is to prohibit trading in the Securities of Bausch INSIDER TRADING AND BLACKOUT PERIOD POLICY 1.0 PURPOSE Harvest One Cannabis Inc. (the " Company ") is a publicly traded company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (the " TSXV As such, trades in the Company's securities 1 are subject to Canadian rules and regulations, as well as the rules and regulations of the TSXV (collectively, " Trading and Blackout Policy Administrators for an exemption that permits them to trade securities of Granite or alter the terms of such automatic trading plan during the blackout period. Blackout Policy and Other Restrictions on Trading and Tipping In light of the Corporation’s responsibilities under the securities laws of Canada and Sweden, the Corporation has adopted the following policies regarding the trading in securities by Executives: directly to the CEO who will then trigger an ad -hoc blackout, if the information is deemed material to the Company. BLACKOUT PERIODS AND TRADING WINDOWS 5.1 A blackout period (“Blackout Period”) is any time when an Insider or Restricted Person is restricted by the terms of this Policy or applicable securities law from trading in securities of Kodiak. Blackout Periods as deemed appropriate to help protect the Company from Insider trading on the basis of material, nonpublic information. POLICY NO. Blackout Policy (the “Policy”), must request written approval from the Chief Financial Officer or his/her designee before trading at any time in any of the Company’s securities or exercising options or warrants, including during a period not deemed a “Blackout Period,” as defined in Section IV of the Policy. requirement of this policy, as the Chief Financial Officer and/or the Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and General Counsel will prohibit trading in those unusual circumstances. INSIDER TRADING POLICY Effective July 23, 2019 Version 2.0 1. The Blackout Period apply regardless of the issuance or receipt of the Blackout Period reminder notice. GENERAL. Any questions concerning Insider Trading matters should be directed to the Chief Financial Officer or Corporate Secretary of the Corporation. Want to keep reading? Trading on Material Nonpublic Information. Trading Policy 5.1.5 BLACKOUT PERIODS To clarify for WFS and its Board members, Board advisors, officers and employees and providers of service to WFS who have access to material information, such as financial results, and to ensure that material information Policy on Inside Information and Insider Trading ... the release date for purposes of this policy is deemed to be the next trading day. Corporate Governance Policies – Securities trading policy 3 A trading blackout will be notified to directors and team members during those times and may also be notified by the Company Secretary or Group Chief Executive Officer at other times when considered appropriate. A company may impose a recurring blackout period on a quarterly basis in the days surrounding an earnings report. 8. As a general rule, insider trading is illegal within the investment world. • Pre-clearance of trades by executives and directors. Pre-clearance and Blackout Policy The following are the most likely people to be in possession of material, non-public information or to be charged with insider trading: NZX’s Financial Products Trading Policy restricts directors and employees trading in NZX’s securities in blackout periods around the release of NZX’s financial results. If a Blackout Period, other than a regularly Window periods are times when trading by those employees is allowed. and a prohibition on shorting or similar transactions involving our stock), but apply both quarterly blackout and preclearance requirements to a smaller subset. ... Quarterly Blackout Periods. Hedging transactions 10. Review 1 Applicability In this policy, a reference to the Group is a reference to Firefinch Limited ABN 11 113 931 105 How should companies revisit their regular trading windows in light of the current environment? This Policy on Trading Blackout Periods, Benefit Plans and Section 16 Reporting (this "Policy") applies to all directors, officers, associates, employees, agents and consultants of ERHC Energy, Inc. (the "Company") and any subsidiaries and affiliated companies. 1.2 Scope This policy applies to: • all directors, officers , employees and consultants of … restrictions on trading in securities while in possession of material non-public information. INTRODUCTION Canopy Growth Corporation as a public company has internal guidelines to control transactions involving its securities by all Canopy Team Members (as defined below) to ensure Canopy Team Members are aware of and comply with their legal obligations and this Canopy policy with respect […] blackout periods under individual account retirement plans. Regular open trading window periods begin full trading days after the Company’s quarterly or annual financial results are 2 released, and close on the 21st day of the third month of each fiscal quarter. Trading Blackout Period—Designated Insiders Notwithstanding other provisions of this policy, a Designated Insider is not permitted to engage in any transaction in Company securities (other than the transactions listed in Section V.A above that are not

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