opacity: .5; margin-bottom: 0 Finally! .uil-squares-css > div:nth-of-type(7) > div { There is already so much variation between cup measuring and brands, and weighing the flour will help ensure proper proportions. text-align: center; font: normal normal 11px 'Montserrat', sans-serif; margin-left: -1px; opacity: .5; } .swiper-container-rtl .swiper-button-prev.swiper-button-white{background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg'%20viewBox%3D'0%200%2027%2044'%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D'M27%2C22L27%2C22L5%2C44l-2.1-2.1L22.8%2C22L2.9%2C2.1L5%2C0L27%2C22L27%2C22z'%20fill%3D'%23ffffff'%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");} } Black treacle has such a strong flavour however, for me it would take some getting used to! .featured-overlay .featured-cat .cat { left: 0; text-transform: uppercase; display: inline-block; I only just got this! .row:after{clear:both;} width: 100%; } font: normal normal 18px 'Montserrat', sans-serif; } max-width: 650px; .uil-squares-css { display: block; . ===================================================*/ text-align: right; text-align: center; .inline-block { height: 38px; opacity: .9; border-bottom: 1px dotted #eeeeee; color: #161616; line-height: 1.7; The sweetness of whatever you choose to use helps to accentuate the richness of the cream. width: 100%; textarea{overflow:auto;vertical-align:top;} Add the butter and pulse 7-10 times until the butter is completely distributed. overflow: hidden; .col-xs-offset-7{margin-left:58.33333333%;} At the end of the day perfect or rough, these scone, no matter how they look, they will be delicious. .post .post-more a:hover { } .post .post-header .post-title { if (typeof adsbygoogle.requestNonPersonalizedAds === 'undefined') { } } 1% { } margin-right: 22px; padding-top: 30px; .swiper-slide.animated .featured-cat, border-radius: 2px; .post .post-header .post-cat a { .featured-posts .swiper-slide { } line-height: 0 !important; Remember you want it to stay as cold as possible. padding: 40px !important; .col-sm-offset-11{margin-left:91.66666667%;} padding: 0; I don't recommend using anything but dried fruit in these. .recent-feeds .feeds-item { display: block; cursor: auto; .share-gplus:before, padding: 20px; Serve with butter or clotted cream and jam. } left: 0; text-align: center; left: 0; .post .single .post-header .post-cat a:hover { .float-left { .featured-posts .nav-arrows { TYPOGRAPHY width: auto; margin: 12px 0; } padding-bottom: 12px; comments = "Comments", border-right: 1px solid #f0f0f0; Mine didn't rise as high as yours, but I did get a higher rise than I usually get, so your tutorial definitely helped. .col-md-push-8{left:66.66666667%;} pre, line-height: 1.5; background-color: #ef9d87; display: block; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 0; } (And tastier!). body#layout #wrapper { .grid-posts.style2 .item .item-overlay { width: 100%; Traditionally scones are served as part of a cream tea in the counties of Devon and Cornwall in the Southwest of England. .col-md-pull-0{right:auto;} padding-bottom: 12px; a:link, .post .post-header { text-transform: uppercase; -moz-user-select: initial; 08. When bringing the dough together with your hands, if it feels too sticky, add a bit more flour. content: "Mobile Header"; } filter: alpha(opacity=0); .post-pagination .prev i { } overflow: hidden; top:0px; .caption2 .featured-overlay .post-date { font-size: 30px; New Update : v2.0 : } .main-wrap.has-no-sidebar { .swiper-container-rtl .swiper-button-prev.swiper-button-black{background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg'%20viewBox%3D'0%200%2027%2044'%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D'M27%2C22L27%2C22L5%2C44l-2.1-2.1L22.8%2C22L2.9%2C2.1L5%2C0L27%2C22L27%2C22z'%20fill%3D'%23000000'%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");} transform:rotate(360deg) /* WIDGET : TAGS */ margin-right: -5px; } .m-menu.open .toggle + .m-menu { .swiper-slide.animated .featured-post-meta { overflow: hidden; border-bottom: 0; #about-author { float: right; transition: .3s; padding:0 !important; height: 2px; 4)Instead of cream of tartar and baking soda, add 2 tsps of baking powder. -ms-transition: 0.35s ease; } } background: #ffffff; } Light handling is one of the secrets, as with pastry, too much handling toughens them. padding-bottom: 1px; } margin: 10px auto 10px !important; .col-lg-push-3{left:25%;} margin:0 22px; } Now you just need to put the scones in a pre-heated oven and bake them for around 12 minutes. font-weight: 700; font-size: xx-large; position: relative; -webkit-transition: 0.35s ease; border:4px double #f0f0f0; float: none; .email:before { content: '\f003'; } .post .single .post-actions .post-avatar:after { letter-spacing: 3px; } .related-posts-1 li,.related-posts-2 li{ } float: right; .related-posts-6 .related-thumb-large{ display: inline-block; .featured-area.visible { color: #fff !important; It is a subject of much debate. .visible-md-inline, .swiper-scrollbar{border-radius:10px;position:relative;-ms-touch-action:none;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);} .page-404 .orgo span { padding: 0 20px; padding: 20px; } .FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner { margin-bottom: 13px; input[type="url"], 2)Make sure everything is extremely cold. .row-large [class*=" col-"],.row-large [class^=col-] { PAGE TEMPLATES top: 12px; border-radius: 0; line-height: 24px;

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