Hanson, Ralph E. Mass Communication: Living in a Media World. With paper universally available, newspapers and magazines emerged and thus a mass communication was made possible. In an age of twenty-four-hour news and instant reporting, do you think politicians’ jobs are made easier or more difficult? The freedom fighters like Gandhiji used this as a tool against the British’s. Inform, educate and entertain are the functions of mass media. Surveillance In the lead-up to the Supreme Court’s June 2012 ruling on President Obama’s health-care-overhaul bill, the media came under scrutiny for not doing a better job of informing the public about the core content and implications of the legislation that had been passed. While discussing the values that freedom of expression has within mass communication, Carter says that the ancient Greeks speaking their mind on important issues legally caused them to not fear the governments retribution and this is very similar to what NWA did back in early 90s’ (Carter). Do we have relationships with media like we have relationships with people? Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) have expanded the process and reach of mass communicated messages across the world. An overview of some of the key theories can help us better understand this change. Overall, the mass media serves four gatekeeping functions: relaying, limiting, expanding, and … This is why it is always good to crosscheck any information from social media with mainstream traditional media before relying on it. Our views on political figures are in the hands of the media. A recent example of such an effect occurred at the University of Virginia when the governing body of the university forced President Teresa A. Sullivan to resign. Carter, Edward L. “Mass Communication Law and Policy Research and the Values of Free Expression.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, vol. In terms of the gatekeeping function of limiting, media outlets decide whether or not to pass something along to the media channel so it can be relayed. Printing is now mechanical and automatic too. New theories emerged that didn’t claim such a direct connection between the intent of a message and any single reaction on the part of receivers. 9. Journalism that focuses … Cultivation theory states that heavy television viewing cultivates, or grows, certain ways of thinking about the world that are distorted. For example, the Occupy Movement that began on Wall Street in New York City gained some attention from alternative media and people using micromedia platforms like independent bloggers. For example, niche websites and cable channels allow us to narrow in on already-limited content, so we don’t have to sift through everything on our own. It became more popular because of its availability, affordability and contents. As news of the Occupy movement in New York spread, people in other cities and towns across the country started to form their own protest groups. Although, people will be more aware and notice what is real in this world. Communication in the Real World by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. In this case, media attention caused a movement to spread that may have otherwise remained localized. There are certain media effects that are fairly obvious and most of us would agree are common (even for ourselves). Tucker McIlwrath, Jonathan Young, Michael Noone, and Jake Mikucki, https://www.cjr.org/special_report/fake-news-pizzagate-seth-rich-newtown-sandy-hook.php, http://communicationtheory.org/functions-of-mass-communication/, http://courses.lumenlearning.com/introductiontocommunication/chapter/functions-of-mass-communication/, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Correlation function refers to interpretation of news presented through the mass media. Cultivation theory explores a particular kind of media effect claiming that media exposure, specifically to television, shapes our social reality by giving us a distorted view on the amount of violence and risk in the world. This is actually so common that there is a concept for it! How does mass communication function differently than interpersonal communication? ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Before a group or person can clarify or provide context for what was said, a story could go viral and a media narrative constructed that is impossible to backtrack and very difficult to even control. Films: Films developed as a result of the invention of moving cameras and the beginning of motion pictures. Four Basic Functions of Mass Communication, “And the Mic Came On” written by Enoh Ogbevire, 14 kinds of lecturers in Nigeria students don’t want to see in class, 10 disturbing things Nigerian lecturers do in class which students don’t like, Meaning of Cultural Transmission Function of the Mass Media, Meaning of Correlation Function of the Mass Media, 10 Best Apps You Can Easily Use To Create 3D Animation Videos. Heavy viewers are generally more suspicious of others and question their motives more than do light viewers (the basis of the mean world syndrome). For example, a Sports Illustrated cover story that you read at SI.com went through several human “gates,” including a writer, editor, publisher, photographer, and webmaster, as well as one media “gate”—the Internet. The term mass media is a 20th century term. Think back to the Boston Marathon Bombing. Because of this, they theorized that controlling the signs and symbols used in media messages could control how they were received and convey a specific meaning (Self, Gaylord, & Gaylord, 2009). This theory is the basis for the transmission model of communication that we discussed in Chapter 1 “Introduction to Communication Studies”. Last, researchers explored how perceptions of source credibility affect message interpretation and how media messages may affect viewers’ self-esteem. The next major turn in mass communication theory occurred only a few years after many scholars had concluded that media had no or only minimal effects (McQuail, 2010). to talk about their everyday struggles. For example, a technology geek and a person living “off the grid” have very different lives and very different views of technology, but because of their exposure to various forms of media that have similar patterns of messages regarding technology, they still have some shared reality and could talk in similar ways about computers, smartphones, and HD television. ChrisWaldeck – The Media Needle – CC BY-NC 2.0. Recent stories about reporters being asked to clear quotes and even whole stories with officials before they can be used in a story drew sharp criticism from other journalists and the public, and some media outlets put an end to that practice. The “freedom of the press” as guaranteed by our First-Amendment rights allows the media to act as the eyes and ears of the people. Through mass communication, people’s attitudes towards political issues, events, public policy and other government activities, happenings across the world, etc. Self, C. C., Edward L. Gaylord, and Thelma Gaylord, “The Evolution of Mass Communication Theory in the 20th Century,” The Romanian Review of Journalism and Communication 6, no. In terms of the lapdog role, the media can become too “cozy” with a politician or other public figure, which might lead it to uncritically report or passively relay information without questioning it. Traditional media includes all those means of communication which have been a part of our life. are influenced to an extent, based on how the media frames and presents the issue in their discussions and presentations. The human voice can only travel so far, and buildings and objects limit the amount of people we can communicate with at any time. Storybooks read by kids especially in Nigeria decades ago presented the nuclear family as Father, Mother and children but there are books today projecting the concept of single parenthood. These … But that was through sending either personal messengers, or through birds like pigeons. The final few steps are the receiver who is the audience viewing the content, and finally it has to get decoded which is just translating a signal. The social media now provide wide array of entertainment for users. The print media also provide such educational contents. Additionally, mass communication scholars are interested in studying how we, as audience members, still have agency in how these constructions affect our reality, in that we may reject, renegotiate, or reinterpret a given message based on our own experiences. Then you have the message, which is obviously the content that is being passed through by the sender and then that is received by and viewed by the receivers. The degree and type of effect varies depending on the theory. Theories have claimed strong effects, meaning that media messages can directly and intentionally influence audience members. Media is the plural of the means of communication. The majority of messages sent through mass media channels are one way. In the event of crisis, mass media announcements offer warnings and instructions. Chapter 1: Introduction to Communication Studies, 4.1 Principles and Functions of Nonverbal Communication, 5.4 Listenable Messages and Effective Feedback, Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication Processes, 6.1 Principles of Interpersonal Communication, 6.2 Conflict and Interpersonal Communication, 6.3 Emotions and Interpersonal Communication, 6.4 Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Communication, Chapter 7: Communication in Relationships, 8.2 Exploring Specific Cultural Identities, 8.4 Intercultural Communication Competence, 9.2 Researching and Supporting Your Speech, 10.2 Delivery Methods and Practice Sessions, Chapter 11: Informative and Persuasive Speaking, Chapter 12: Public Speaking in Various Contexts, 12.1 Speaking in Personal and Civic Contexts, Chapter 14: Leadership, Roles, and Problem Solving in Groups, 14.1 Leadership and Small Group Communication, 14.3 Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups, Chapter 15: Media, Technology, and Communication, 15.1 Technological Advances: From the Printing Press to the iPhone, 15.2 Functions and Theories of Mass Communication, 16.3 New Media, the Self, and Relationships. The following are common examples. There are also more objective and balanced sources of media criticism. Later in 1867, with the invention of telephone by Alexander graham bell sending messages through human voice became possible. Wright characterizes seven functions of mass communication that offer insight into its role in our lives. The media observe events in the society, select specific ones and present or interpret them the way they want their audiences to understand them. By the 1960s, many researchers in mass communication concluded that the research in the previous twenty years had been naïve and flawed, and they significantly challenged the theory of powerful media effects, putting much more emphasis on individual agency, context, and environment (McQuail, 2010).

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