6. So, friends, if you are in that place of hurting. Around here we frequently repeat, “Feelings are not Facts.” One part of prayer that really helped me was forming a prayer team. It takes faith. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine …” -Isaiah 55:8 NLT, I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. He mets us where ever we are and walks alongside of us in our journey. Try offering thanksgiving and praise it will elevate your heart and mind. Get this Journal & Growth Guide to walk you through 7 areas of healing from both rejection and betrayal. Great tips about what to do when we feel this way! Most of my life I was running from the truth but in the years I have accepted and professed my faith I have always felt God working in my life just maybe not the way I wanted but like Jed I have submitted to allowing Him to lead and guide me. Hope this helps anyone out there who feels abandoned by God. 1. I ve been sick for 8 years, and I was hospitalized 20 times. Would you like extra hope infused into your daily life? They held on when it seemed God had abandoned them. “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. For my husband. But the hopes and dreams of a Mama is universal. Copyright © 2020 Lori Schumaker | Design by The Design Diva | Development by MRM. The Bible teaches us to not complain about each other and to not point fingers. Your 5-Day Hope Toolkit includes a daily hope-filled scripture and prayer, an attitude inventory, a beautiful page of "I am" statements to combat negative thoughts, and my personal list of hope-filled resources. There is something amiss. I really like #5. We need to acknowledge not only what are feeling, but why we are feeling it. #MomentsofHope is a place to give and get hope, so let’s encourage others in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. Begin by getting to know God through Jesus. I thought, maybe there are some good rich people who can buy me an apartment, haha.. 5. No one really has answers on why things happen. When I’d finished the university, I found a job and worked hard as an interpreter. Each week I’ll be visiting as many posts as possible, sharing them to my Moments of Hope Group Board on Pinterest as well as my other social media platforms when applicable, and choosing one post each week to feature. They saw themselves in leading roles. We are not meant to do things alone. So, friends, if you are in that place of hurting. However, I’m starting to thing that God may be using this to grow & refine my family & I. We do not know what is going on in the spiritual realm. And that each time your feelings begin to unhinge the Truth, you stand strong, faithfully reclaiming what is yours. He is there with you. Share with others that you need space. Doubt is the biggest deterrent to faith. I’ve created the 5-Day Hope Toolkit: Claiming the Victory of a Hope-filled Life just for you! Sleeplessness, high anxiety, and raging consumed the lives of every one of us. Our feelings are so fickle, but God is not ♥ Thanks, friend, for visiting. Here are 6 ways to remain encouraged when you feel forgotten. You will also receive: To get to your 5-Day Hope Toolkit, click HERE! Unlike some of the others here, I actually believe in God and am a practicing Christian. Blaming our problems on someone else might make us feel better. Thanks for sharing this hope! One kind is where we bring encouraging words and help to others who are struggling. It may take time, but we need to get to the place where if it brings God more glory that A, B, or C does not happen, we can move on. I am praying for you Nataly and trust that God will walk with you and hold you close if you ask Him to. I felt as though I were failing because I couldn’t seem to fix anything. In the Old Testament and in the New Testament people have gone through trials and wondered were God was. "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken Me,” Jesus cried out to the Father. Plus, have full access to all resources in the Library of Hope! To experience the full power of God’s promises we need to understand our part and play it. In Isaiah 54:10 God said “For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My loving kindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,' says the Lord who has compassion on you.” Take a firm stand against doubt by digging into your inner strength. And AMEN! When doubtful thoughts come, immediately send them their notice. Hi Michele, Why have You forsaken Me?” But God never left Jesus. It’s so true! I had to get honest with God. Jesus knows what it’s like to feel alone. One thing is certain, God is not surprised by our struggles or what is in our hearts. « Winning the Battle Against Issues of Self Worth {#MomentsofHope Link-Up}, Whose Voice Will You Choose to Listen To? Immediately, the pursuit of healing began. One of the Psalms David wrote says, “For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the LORD will take me in.”  Psalms 27:10 (ESV). I love your name. He is with you before and after the storm. And Jesus remained faithful. Once I’d fully grasped that, I was able to recognize when I was responding with emotions instead of responding with logic and truth. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Praise God for all He is! The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. The login page will open in a new tab. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Before passing over this tip, give us a moment. Hello Lori! I encourage you to read the Psalms. You’ve read their books. God did deliver Jesus, but there was doubt. I am dating a guy for 11 months, but he doesn’t hurry to marry me. In that place where you feel as though God has left your side. The faculty of foreign languages. Hi Maree! However, we can thrive in the midst of our difficulties knowing that God has promised a better life to those who know and trust Him. This is probably the most painful thing to do when life feels broken. I betcha it’s awesome!♥. Error: There is no connected account for the user 232743555 Feed will not update. Ask God to guide you in this. I feel hopeless and helpless.. If this is content you could use more of in your life, subscribe to my email list below. From the gift of perspective, today I can share hope. You’ve heard the speak. Am I any better than Elijah? I agree, Julie’s post is inspiring for HOPE! Humiliated, he was forced to serve in the king’s government. I believe this is a promise that God will take care of you. Motherhood is a precious gift. I tell myself, If I could see God standing at my side, it would be easier to trust Him. Wounded soldiers don’t surrender to an enemy that takes no prisoners–we fight to the death, because Jesus conquered death (Ephesians 6:10-20). Practice taking time as your mind loves to wonder. I believe this is a promise that God will take care of you. You are a blessing! People are our greatest asset and the community is very important in our lives. I can’t wait to stop by your site and read what you wrote! And there was all of one person I could really talk to about all that was going on. I hope never feel abandoned and can’t imagine what that is like but I would assume it is a very lonely place and looks a lot like depression and hopelessness which I have been there before. (Get it here) I’ve designed it so that it breaks these 5 strategies down into manageable pieces. Step on over to Sarah’s blog right HERE. #specialneeds #parenting #momentsofhope, Join us for the #MomentsofHope Link-Up! I am thankful for you! I urge you to continue pursuing deep relationship with Jesus by incorporating these 6 strategies into your everyday life. A beautiful printable image with positive “I am ….” statements of truth. Thank you so much for joining me here each week to share hope. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. All subscribers get full access to the resource-filled Library of Hope, too! They welcomed angels into their home, who destroyed the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. They sway with the events of each day. », It’s crazy to think it was already 2 years ago m, Thank you @zachattackproductions for this pic of L, I pray for our new house to be so much more than j, If feelings of anxiety or fear are trying to steal, Now and then.

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