DEAR ABBY: I am 27, and my wife, "Marybeth," is 26. Sympathize, but stay out of it. These stickers again reminded me of letters in ‘PS I Love You’. !a&&p(!isNaN(!isNaN(a.right)&&p(a.bottom)&&!isNaN(a.bottom)&&p(a.left)&&!isNaN(a.left)};var $b=function(a){this.K=a;this.Fa=Wb(a);"ins.adsbygoogle",a);this.fa=Xb(a);this.Oa=S("[__lsu_res=reserved]",a);this.U=[];a=Yb(this);for(var b=0;b

Tell me, can a baby this big be that early? JAKE, DEAR ABBY: I know boys will be boys, but my ‘boy’ is seventy-three and he’s still chasing women. I hoped she would get her finances and life together and be able to get a place of her own. KAY, DEAR ABBY: Our son was married in January. Gugu is impeccable as always, and she is slowly turning into one of my favourite actresses. Dustin is the founder and co-owner of Pajiba. bc.prototype.apply=function(a){if(a&&!this.Z){var b;a:{var c=this.b.document;b=c.body;if(a&&b){a=this.A();var d=ob,e=c.createElement("div");"block";if(d=d&&d.ha)e.className=d;c=c.createElement("ins");c.className="adsbygoogle";c.setAttribute("data-ad-client",a);c.setAttribute("data-reactive-ad-format","1");"none";e.appendChild(c);Ib(e,b,2);try{qb(this.b,c)}catch(f){this.C(6);e&&e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.removeChild(e);b=5;break a}this.j.push(e);b=0}else b=4}this.Z= They don’t drink to excess or use drugs and would be wonderful grandparents for these children. parseInt(Ic.localStorage.getItem("PSO_EXP0"),10);Z=isNaN(Kc)?null:Kc}catch(a){Z=null}if(null==Z){Z=Math.floor(1024*Math.random());var Lc=Z;try{Ic.localStorage.setItem("PSO_EXP0",Lc.toString())}catch(a){}}lc=new ic(Z,0,Jc);Y=oc()}if({var Mc=V;jc(Y.J)&&pc(Mc)}}if(!Y)throw Error("No strategyState created! try{var V=window,za,Ac=I(V).config;za=Ac?new O(Ac):null;if(!za)throw Error("No config");var Bc=Aa(10),Cc=Aa(7);!=Bc?;X.X=null!=Cc?Cc:X.X;var kc=new lb(za),Dc=kc;I(V).ps=Dc;var Y,lc;if(v("iPad")||v("Android")&&!v("Mobile")||v("Silk")||! DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend is going to be twenty years old next month. Irreplaceable You taylorgibbs.

Ask each pair to read both the reader letter and the response of different columns. DEAR WONDERING: The baby was on time, the wedding was late. var wb=function(a,b){if(null==a.P)return b;switch(a.P){case 1:return b.slice(1);case 2:return b.slice(0,b.length-1);case 3:return b.slice(1,b.length-1);case 0:return b;default:throw Error("Unknown ignore mode: "+a.P);}},xb=function(a){var b=[];ub(a.getElementsByTagName("p"),function(a){100<=yb(a)&&b.push(a)});return b},yb=function(a){if(3==a.nodeType)return a.length;if(1!=a.nodeType||"SCRIPT"==a.tagName)return 0;var b=0;ub(a.childNodes,function(a){b+=yb(a)});return b},zb=function(a){return 0==a.length|| A(b,3));d=c.getBoundingClientRect().top+Db(a);c.parentNode.removeChild(c);B(b,8,d)}}b=A(b,8);return p(b)?b-Db(a):null},Jb={0:0,1:1,2:2,3:3},Kb={0:"auto",1:"horizontal",2:"vertical",3:"rectangle"},Lb=function(a,b){a.sort(function(a,d){a=Fb(b,a,!0);a=p(a)?a:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;d=Fb(b,d,!0);d=p(d)?d:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;return a-d})},Ib=function(a,b,c){switch(Jb[c]){case 0:b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b);break;case 3:if(c=b.parentNode){var d=b.nextSibling;if(d&&d.parentNode!=c)for(;d&& Get the facts here. Am I overreacting?

Never do this.

(v("iPod")||v("iPhone")||v("Android")||v("IEMobile")))Y=mc(16);else{var Ec,Fc=/^#([^=]*)=(\d+)$/.exec(V.location.hash);if((Ec=Fc&&3==Fc.length&&"pso_strategy"==Fc[1]?+Fc[2]:null)&&U[Ec]){Y=mc(Ec);var Gc=V;jc(Ec)&&pc(Gc)}else{var Ic=V,Jc=kc.m.N(),Z;try{var Kc= I’d like to give him something nice for his birthday. My brother and his wife are great people. RITA I’ve suspected that my husband has been fooling around, and when confronted with the evidence, he denied everything – and said it would never happen again. It also appears the way she’s acting is retaliatory, but the people who must get to the bottom of it are your brother and his wife. Shipping …

In all my years I can’t remember any time like this.     Van Buren, Abigail. If the campaign season is any indication, misinformation is likely to fill social media feeds Tuesday. Miss Manners: Women never dismiss my dating requests politely, Ask Amy: The lie she told about my husband ended our friendship, Harriette Cole: My friend wants me to join her bucket list adventure, and I’m scared. :.|\n)*)\2/,"$1");b=d.replace(/\n */g,"\n")}catch(f){b=""}}c.excp_s=b}c.w=0

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