At the same time, the researcher doesn’t have to ask all questions from the list (remember that contextual inquiries are not the same as user interviews!). Refine it, check it with others, and really make sure that the questions you ask line up with the goals of the research. Before starting the actual inquiry session, it’s vital to establish trust between researcher and participant. An honest conversation is an essential part of a contextual inquiry. When you put participants under pressure, they will start giving you the things you want to hear, rather than their own truthful experiences. You can make your website more senior-friendly by following a few simple rules of thumb… and the end result is often improved usability for users of all ages. Example: A company has an idea about a new product for musicians. Clients realize they don’t know what it means, so they ask you to define it rather than making incorrect assumptions. So it came as a shock when not a single participant in the study could figure out how to open an email in the application. Despite this, it’s a great way to uncover usability issues. If you face this problem, I recommend you to do the following: Contextual inquiries are flexible sessions, meaning that they can flow naturally in whatever direction participants take them. Blink researchers define tasks and make lists of the steps involved to achieve task goals. But don’t schedule two or more sessions on the same day, or you will risk overwhelming your participants. In the articleWhy Are Contextual Inquiries So Difficult, Jim Ross describes typical problems researchers encounter in contextual inquiries, and shares excellent recommendations on how to overcome them. © BLINK INTERACTIVE, INC. | Basically, you're asking them questions in the ultimate context, which is why it is called a contextual inquiry. This technique is called contextual inquiry. Of the many tools user experience researchers use, contextual inquiry is often one of the least known. A contextual inquiry is a UX method that is growing in definition. Go beyond user interviews with contextual inquiry. There are two areas where contextual inquiries are especially helpful. Questions like, “Why did you click on this button?” are behavioral, and they are asked in response to something a participant did. It is vital to reassure the participant that they are not being tested, but rather that the product is being tested by them. We conduct pre-shopping interviews to understand shopping goals, “shadow” shoppers who have opted into the study to observe behaviors, and then conduct post-purchase interviews to ask participants to reflect on key decision points. What are the data and reasoning that stand behind a well-motivated design decision? A researcher should be good at body language decoding. Contextual inquiries can be used to find ways to improve the user journey. After the interaction, the researcher asks participants questions about their experience with the product. You might also like: How to Build Usability Testing Into Everything You Do. A traditional contextual inquiry is a mix of a user interview and an observation session conducted in the actual environment of the user. That means that the design recommendations and decisions we make are grounded in solid data and sound reasoning. Depending on the goal, researchers may want to focus on particular user behavior (the particular behavior they want to examine), and may ask participants to perform specific tasks. Because of this, remote contextual inquiries are becoming more and more popular, where researchers can screenshare with their participants and observe their actions while asking them questions along the way. Add to this the extra time required for discussion. If it’s a remote inquiry, make sure to have them share their screen with you and record it. The researcher should introduce themselves, describe the purpose of the research, and provide all relevant information about the session (such as the time required for the session, tasks that will be carried out, questions that will be asked, etc.). Participants may want to know how the video will be used, so it’s crucial to give them all the necessary details. Of all the research techniques, a contextual inquiry is one of the most difficult to perform because an effective contextual inquiry session requires a careful balance between traditional interviewing and ethnographic observation. Although it’s very difficult to observe tasks remotely that normally take place offline, you can conduct remote contextual inquiries to understand participants’ tasks and processes that take place primarily or fully on computers, phones, or tablets. Using this method, Blink researchers combine observations of real people engaging in topics of interest with periodic questions to better understand their specific actions, behaviors, and thoughts. They need to track participants' moods and habits as they interact with a product. He counts advertising, psychology, and cinema among his myriad interests. The researcher will also notice what parts of the flow cause friction. In these studies, Blink researchers seek to understand how consumers make decisions about their technology and other product purchases. Below, I want to provide general tips that are helpful for most contextual inquiries. Expect to spend at least one hour per customer with a minimum of five customers, and two hours to debrief. You may need more until you start seeing solid patterns in your observations. In this model, the participant performs their tasks as if nobody's watching. This technique is a mix of qualitative research and user interviews. Apa itu contextual inquiry? If the researcher plans to make a video recording of user interactions, it’s vital to get permission from the participant to do so. The key difference between contextual inquiries and other research methods is that contextual inquiries occurs in context. We walk away from each study session armed with a detailed view of how study participants get things done. As a result, they provide more natural and realistic results. Contextual inquiries can be used to better understand use cases for a new product idea. Number of Sessions: ~5 to start. Read our complete guide to web design project management for developers, designers, and marketers. Have you used contextual inquiries? In comparison to other user research techniques, contextual inquiries are less formal than lab tests. But many websites are not designed with seniors in mind. Contextual inquiry is an interview method used to deeply understand the context of use, where researchers ask users a set of standard questions and then observe and ask questions while they work in their own environments. You might also like: Conducting User Interviews: How to do it Right. Typically the context of use is a workplace or home. Later, we synthesize raw data from these interviews to craft insights and opportunities for our clients.Contextual interviews are a way to learn from study participants. The term “contextual inquiry” is unfamiliar to most people outside the field of user experience design. Two hours is usually the limit on the time you can expect participants to spend in one session. This technique can be an excellent source of highly detailed information about your users and their preferences. In some cases, the problem is unpredictable and a lot of time can be wasted either waiting for the problem to occur or simulating an occurrence. All the questions about the interaction are asked at the completion of the observation. The product team creates a prototype of this product and a researcher passes out this prototype to participants. Often times, test participants don’t have a complete understanding of why they are asked to do particular things. The researcher shares their thoughts with the participant, and the participant can correct the researcher or provide additional points they think are important. They are not like traditional interviews or usability testing sessions where the researcher follows a specific set of questions or tasks. You might also like: Research 101: How to Conduct Market Research for Your App. Generally, you can ask two types of questions during the contextual inquiry: questions about current behavior, and questions about potential changes. If you cannot get permission to record an inquiry, bring a second interviewer to help with note-taking. Thus, be flexible in combining contextual inquiries with other research methods to get the information you need. Nick Babich is a developer, tech enthusiast, and UX lover. Deb Gelman will share tips and ideas for how to conduct contextual inquiry research in the age of a quarantine. Get design inspiration, development tips, and practical takeaways delivered straight to your inbox. The contextual inquiry session must take place in the context of use—in the environment in which participants normally perform tasks. There are three main principles of contextual inquiry. A contextual inquiry is a user research technique that involves observing and interviewing people while they perform tasks in context. It’s a common problem that research teams cannot fit the tasks into a two hour frame. Contextual inquiries offer deep insight into how users actually use a product. Blink once evaluated an in-flight email application for a client. You’ll start receiving free tips and resources soon. We have conducted research in many international markets, including Japan, China, Australia, India, and Brazil, as well as across Europe and North America.Shop-Along or Retail Experience StudiesShop-along or retail experience studies combine aspects of contextual inquiry with marketing research techniques. It's possible to define three phases of contextual inquiry: introduction, interaction with a product, and wrap up. Participants are assigned specific tasks to complete (such as creating a new music track using this tool). Seniors are increasingly using the web to shop, find news and information, and connect with friends and family. You can still capture a lot of the context this way, and it’s much more cost-effective. Having a clear goal will help researchers maintain focus on relevant questions during the inquiry. The biggest problem with this method is that many companies have users all over the world, and it’s not cost-effective to visit a handful of them in a week when trying to get context into their behaviour while using your product. Contextual interviews focus on how people accomplish things in their own way.Our aim in contextual interviews is to address the design or research questions at hand by observing and gathering information from people without interfering in their routines or tasks. The researcher can interrupt the participant in the middle of tasks to ask clarifying questions. It’s important to prepare a list of both types of questions for the session. Generally, the researcher should expect at least one hour of analysis for each hour they’ve spent on the research sessions. All research testing methods stress the importance of selecting test participants. By doing this, they provide additional information about the process. It’s vital to remember that contextual inquiries are individual sessions. One of the challenges of a contextual inquiry is that you need not only to get participants to perform tasks, but also talk to you about what they are doing.

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