That was a part I was trying to fit into the above paragraph, that the Jomon and the Autists seem to have paired into sets of “hatchery-partners” that suck each other’s reproductive matter (ejaculate) for application onto ovaries/ovae for growing their “book of Life” family, global-system, etc. org slash / cgi/pt?id=hvd dot . torturing little me for not any apparent reason except that I’m a gimmick for getting them victims’ brains for getting high off of, which enables them to do their fancy “magic” and b.s.L.A. htm — From Wikipedia and I’ll try to make it a click-on: click-on only shows that it’s a PD, a public domain illustration. Provider Other Organization Name The Melquiades character had prophesied the family’s demise in Sanskrit that was then coded every other line in Emperor Augustus’ personal code and the Lacedaemonians’ (Spartans’) military code, 2 different codes on alternating lines on top of that it was in that, in the Buendias’ Spanish-speaking home. “Buccaneer” is said to be way different from pirate but I think it was likely about getting paid a buck for bringing an “ear” which is like the same as a scalp which is like the same as with brain attached to it. Then if you click-on their Melchizedek you get a strange painting that reminds of that Judgment of Emperor Otto by Dirk or Dierk (direct) Bouts. Its leading role in the field is widely recognized. Jekyll’s name is a pun as well (je means “I” in French, and “-kyll” = kill), as in Utterson’s (“utter” = speak). [sent email/gmail]– Kathy Foshay offering business opp. I thought maybe they’d made some exception so I could have one…. Revelation, Ch.21:1-2; hallucino-visions. Then I only get what the bums want me to have and I suddenly got this mailing address, me who has to find contact with any normal person all these years, and voila a normal-seeming mailing address but then I notice this lobby-portrait of the address’s namesake has got this Lasker Award with him and the Lasker Award uses that Samothrace statue design and in trying to research the artpiece now I notice that it isn’t actually a statue, that the archaeology behind the “discovery” of it in its piecemeal way is real peculiar, like that the Jomon, the post-Trojan invasion-war Jomon “winners” dispersed around to all those islands, seeking brain-highs, had invented the “statue” as a fetish, a “magic” fetish to bring victims like that lady for their decapitation delights. In his freezers, he kept biological agents that could cause diseases including smallpox, tuberculosis and anthrax as well as a number of organic toxins, including snake venom and paralytic shellfish poison. I’ll try to reread that or rather I’d get my own copy of the book so I could make notes in it because a study of that Melquiades would go a long way toward describing these “convoluted” thinkings of the brain-eaters. Celcilia” character had come from, depicted in that Exorcism post just below here for right now, Ecstasy of St. Cecilia. But I might be sitting here because these bums contrived to set up an underground “show” or whatever all they do that’s “behind my back” all these decades, where last night they had like pre-filth ritual performances done, as the Melquiades’ generally do, set up, circus-style, for whatever they’re going to do off of whatever I’m going to do, and that might be why I’m still sitting here when I might otherwise have just checked out this book I’d come here for and left because I don’t know what I’m going to do about necessity-food for tomorrow’s attempt for a regular day at the library, my logistics are constantly chipped away at so that there’s only a lesser number of options, they dwindle, all the time, as these bums genocide everything, parasite the world to death while “creating” it for their personal comforts, like the brain-eating. I’d appreciate it you could carefully, discretely, get someone that could somehow communicate with me on any of all these subjects, my blog being, my cellphone 202) 459-8618, and I have to sign off of the branch library computer right now. [this is from 12/27/19, Friday:] which is with this Melquiades-character in this Garcia Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” that it’s actually linking-up to both the “Vanity Fair” Thackeray novel and, of course the “Limitless/The Dark Fields” novel then film then tv show, but also too now the whole “Arabian Nights” big compilation, but I haven’t finished the One Hundred Years of Solitude yet so I can’t think anything too completely about the Melquiades character or much else till I’ve at least gone once through it. Page 315 it says, Margaret Gottlieb, “Autobiographical Essays.”. My blog is but the system keeps all normal people away from contact with myself all these decades. Creative Commons seems to have taken over maybe, me finally getting a chance to re-research this complicated European history subject, around Louis I of Hungary and who all else, but I can’t get these links to light up yet. Joseph Heller, 1923, Coney Island – 1999 L.I. I couldn’t find a year on this photo, why it looks so dark. Connections. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5f08b61d988b2c7a Begonia plants were mentioned quite a bit and that puts me in mind that there could be a connection with that St. Foy in Conques and that’s friend-monk Begon or a series of people by that name. It’d been perped a little bit again today, too, like it’s some underworld “skill” or “ability.” So I hope nothing bad happens as I put the screen-saver on to try to go check the shelf, but now I recall that I always wind up logging out before leaving this unattended anyway because there’s a will and so maybe a way that the system will find a way to do anything to sabotage me, etc. Vanity Fair, Charles Dickens, 1812 Portsea Island -1870 Higham, Kent. They created this cannibalism for feeding the same Autists that had extincted the dinosaurs meant to be our food and transportation resources. It goes on then: In India, the couple volunteered to work at a hospital in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh where lepers and other severely afflicted patients were treated. Besides that it was his grandfather's name, maybe the name "Johns" Hopkins is because he was "created from" the "seeds" of both the system's John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, one of their sisters', like this from Lorenzo de Medici's Tomb by Me-kill-angelos:, Shareware/ – Copyright Kathy Foshay, “Blame it on God” and war against God problem. That’s how I noticed this error I’ve got with William IV/Edward VII. That’s because Detrick, still thriving today as the Army’s principal base for biological research and now encompassing nearly 600 buildings on 13,000 acres, was for years the nerve center of the CIA’s hidden chemical and mind control empire. It seems like everyone fails to notice that Melquiades scripted for the Buendias to be genocided. By the time the saxitoxin was discovered and destroyed in 1975, Gottlieb had retired. L.A. County Museum of Art’s copy of this GF Schmidt 1769 etching “after Rembrandt,” they have titled as being “A Bearded Man Wearing a Turban,” from the estate of Howard de Forest. The man he chose, Sidney Gottlieb, was not part of the silver-spoon aristocracy from which most officers of the early CIA were recruited, but a 33-year-old Jew from an immigrant family who limped and stuttered. page 221, Poisoner In Chief, etc., the Gottlieb biog by Stephen Kinzer, 2019, where I’m sure this little piece’s being excerpted is fair use: (It starts, “We were in Africa, Australia, and India, and many places in between. Maybe there was something I didn’t know about that I’d gotten some behind-my-awareness okay on the procedure’s getting done because I was cross-eyed, for instance, or because the system wanted an abortion to experiment on anyway and so somehow had fraud-parent okay on the business. wikipedia dot . FREE Background Report. like poor God trying to keep the solar system going. There’s a poem called Gipsy Song by Goethe but it doesn’t mention Romania-area or the word gypsy at all. Roe’s” circumstances and how they match my situation of “that situation” when I was just turned 16. Darwin-1809-82, Mall b. Randy Lovelace II 1907, New Mexico – 1965 near Aspen, Jesse Holman Jones 1874 TN – 1956 Houston, John Kernan Mullen 1847 Galway -1929 Denver, James Anthony (McGinnis) Bailey, July 4, 1847, Detroit – April 11, 1906, Mt. Here’s a Wiki bit: Melquíades is one of a band of gypsies who visit Macondo every year in March, displaying amazing items from around the world. It even comes up that here in Houston there’d recently been a murder that’s like those 2 “races” of people, the protagonists’ and Melquiades’, that’s therefore highly controversial and I can never guess what’s a set-up and what might be coincidence, about that recent murder here, etc. The novel’s weather-control “magic,” is also connected to the ergot-growing on the rye grass, that ergot is a mold that forms from too much damnpness. Lovelace on that.) Olson’s family believes he was thrown from the window to prevent him from revealing what was brewing inside Camp Detrick. See Commons:Licensing. Provider Location Address WordPress, this is the opposite of what I’m trying to do: El Greco, 1541 (Greece) – 1614 Toledo, Spain, El Greco, 1541 (Greece) – 1614 Toledo, Spain,, The Church of Saint Peter, Leuven, Belgium,, Empress Elisabeth, 1837 Bavaria -1898 Geneva, Marilyn Monroe, Norma Jean Baker, 1926 L.A.- 1962 Brentwood, Marcello Mastroianni 1924 Fontana Liri -1996 Paris, Robert Goddard, 1882 Worcester – 1945 Baltimore, Adelaide Ames, 1900-1932, Squam Lake, near Holderness, NH, Ray Walston 1914 Laurel, MS – Jan. 1, 2001, Beverly Hills, Frank Augustus Hamer 1884-1955, Tx Ranger. I have to take a break so I’ll remember to make the next oxygen refill appt. To explain that the Earth is round and goes around and never touches the sun is virtually impossible for intangible nature to be able to get through to spoiled child-type humans even today if it was still trying to try, "till it was blue in the face. Foy had had a get-rich-quick and takeover the world scheme of selling the miracle drug, being in business selling copies of the Revelation, which then attracted the gospels and letters and the older work to all join the business and selling the chemicals, plus their “genius” way of “making” people by growing fetuses from disembodied ovae into people, but the point it that all that comes from having the Autism developmental disability in the first place, those deviant ways and then their “limitless” self-beliefs but they are all over me right now right here. El Greco, 1541 (Greece) – 1614 Toledo, Spain. The CIA came up with the same explanation for both: brainwashing. Later, the gypsies report that Melquíades died in Singapore, but he, nonetheless, returns to live with the Buendía family,[12] stating he could not bear the solitude of death.

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