In addition a new, increased and long-enduring hostility was aroused in the country against the adherents of the old faith, not unnatural in the circumstances, but unjust and undiscriminating, because while some of the Jesuits were no doubt implicated, the secular priests and Roman Catholic laity as a whole had taken no part in the conspiracy. seems like an Unjust thing that, seeing we have been allowed to enter the garden, no path should be assigned to us there. Academic writers have sought to expand the explanatory power of'unjust enrichment '. unjust sentence in English. Thus we see nothing unjust in providing the trust which owns the appellant with a choice. Definition of Unjust. no longer deals with idolatry, but with the corruption of society, and particularly of its leaders - the grasping aristocracy whose whole energies are concentrated on devouring the poor and depriving them of their little holdings, the unjust judges and priests who for gain wrest the law in favour of the rich, the hireling and gluttonous prophets who make war against every one "that putteth not into their mouth," but are ever ready with assurances of Yahweh's favour to their patrons, the wealthy and noble sinners that fatten on the flesh of the poor. 20. Yet it would be unjust to ignore the many brilliant and sometimes valuable thoughts that are scattered throughout the writings on Naturphilosophie - thoughts to which Schelling himself is but too frequently untrue. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Contrary to justice and right; prompted by a spirit of injustice; wrongful; as, an unjust sentence; an unjust demand; an unjust accusation. If you describe an action, system, or law as unjust, you think that it treats a person or group badly in a way that they do not deserve. Our teacher was unjust in … There are 25 example sentences for unjust, and this page shows no. He spent 25 years campaigning against racist and unjust immigration laws. Normally any such use of state power would be considered unjust. In a volume entitled Taine, historien de la Revolution frail gaise (1908), Aulard has submitted the method of the eminent philosopher to a criticism, severe, perhaps even unjust, but certainly well-informed. As well as being profoundly socially unjust, the Tories were also grossly inefficient. Synonyms: unfair, prejudiced, biased, wrong … A prominent theme in the plays of William Shakespeare is that of the ambiguous or unjust accusation of infidelity. Quotes for "unjust". Answer. Sentence for "unjust". He supported the king's administration in parliament, but opposed strongly the unjust measure which, on the abolition of the court of wards, placed the extra burden of taxation thus rendered necessary on the excise. William supported him in every device, however unjust, with a cynical frankness which was the distinguishing trait of his character; for he loved to display openly all the vices and meannesses which most men take care to disguise. The attack on Charles was deeply unjust. ", "As to the governments of this world," he said, "whatever their titles or forms we shall endeavour to prove that in their essential elements, as at present administered, they are all anti-Christ; that they can never by human wisdom be brought into conformity with the will of God; that they cannot be maintained except by naval and military power to carry them into effect; that all their penal enactments, being a dead letter without any army to carry them into effect, are virtually written in human blood; and that the followers of Jesus should instinctively shun their stations of honor, power: and emolument - at the same time ` submitting to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake' and offering no physical resistance to any of their mandates, however unjust or tyrannical.". Why, if she is displeased with…. His zeal for the total and correct application of the Sharia and his impatience with unjust and venal scholars is thus understandable. Sentences. The excesses of John of Leiden, the Brigham Young of that age, cast an unjust stigma on the Baptists, of whom the vast majority were good, quiet people who merely carried out in practice the early Christian ideals of which their persecutors prated. 39 40 41. Abi `Amir proposed to confiscate a religious foundation and the assembled ulema refused to approve the act, and were threatened by his vizier, one of them replied, "All the evil you say of us applies to yourself; you seek unjust gains and support your injustice by threats; you take bribes and practise ungodliness in the world. Thanks for his vindications of Scotland from the unjust aspersions of certain of the House of Commons. Synonyms: unfair, prejudiced, biased, wrong More Synonyms of unjust His devotion to Austrasia made him very bitter against, and perhaps unjust to, the sovereigns of Neustria, Chilperic and Fredegond. At the same time it was strictly unjust to the victim, and a heavy punishment to a cultured citizen for whom Athens contained all that made life worth living. Increasing numbers of people reject these roles as unjust and repressive. It is unjustto start bombing on the basis of those surmises. From 1702 to 1870, a period of nearly 170 years, no Welsh-speaking native bishop was nominated (with the solitary exception of John Wynne, consecrated to St Asaph in 1715), and it is needless to point out that this selfish and unjust policy was largely responsible for the neglect and misrule which distinguished the latter half of the 18th and the early part of the 19th centuries. 'i shouldn't mind learning why - why the sun do shine on the just and the Unjust alike, ' she answered, with a slight quaver in her voice. 27.those who are Unjust in their manner of doing things lose the support of the people. Other Words from unjust Example Sentences Learn More about unjust. In the best traditions of the trade union movement, solidarity was given to Oliver Campbell who is fighting against his unjust imprisonment. I never saw you look so disagreeable, so unjust, so almost vindictive before. unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality. On his deathbed remorse seized him; he bestowed his goods on the poor, restored unjust gains, freed his slaves, and every third day till his death listened to the reading of the Koran. It was unjust and degrading to be hustled away like this, Sabine thought. It seems quite unjust to review our decision by taking into account evidence previously excluded. see, our company financially suffered a heavy loss from the lawsuit concerning wrongful and Unjust discharge. Mahommed was a singular character, full of pretence at least to many accomplishments and virtues, the founder of public charities, and a profuse patron of scholars, but a parricide, a fratricide, and as madly capricious, bloodthirsty and unjust as Caligula. Escaping by way of Strassburg he found an asylum in England, where he was made a prebendary of Canterbury, received a pension from Edward VI. The object of this sympathetic resentment, impelling us to punish, is what we call injustice; and thus the remarkable stringency of the obligation to act justly is explained, since the recognition of any action as unjust involves the admission that it may be forcibly obstructed or punished. The wholly unjust and baseless charge of "bargain and corruption" followed, and the feud thus created between Adams and. Q: What if the mediated settlement is unfair or unjust? This agreement of 1215 was the chief defence against, They said it was nationalistic, jingoistic, imperialistic and represented a bad and. were well, he said, to be there early, and anticipate certain indistinct but wholly Unjust claims on the score of ground rent and fuel. 2 archaic : dishonest, faithless. The attack on Charles was unjust. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. These are such blatantly unjust situations that we must react with anger. The feeling against the Chinese found expression sometimes in unjust and mean legislation, such as the famous " queue ordinance " (to compel the cutting of queues - the gravest insult to the Chinese), and an ordinance inequitably taxing laundries. Also, unjust enrichment is no longer limited to any amount overpaid. When they assumed she didn’t study for the exams, her parents proved they were unjust. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 2. (ʌndʒʌst ) adjective. All Rights Reserved. The major-generals were the object of general attack, while the special tax on the royalists was declared unjust, and the bill for its continuation rejected by a large majority. Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or copy them. They are for the most part, when left to their own resources, cruel, unjust, selfish and improvident. Definition of Unjust. The result was unjust to Lowe, but a good deal of feeling had been aroused against Lingen's administration of the Education Office (see Lingen, Baron), and this was the outcome. unjust enrichment is no longer limited to any amount overpaid. They pretend that God will save the unjust man if he repents and humbles himself. During the trying winter of 1854-55, the suffering he was compelled to witness, the censures, in great part unjust, which he had to endure and all the manifold anxieties of the siege seriously undermined his health, and although he found a friend and ardent supporter in his new French colleague, General Pelissier (q.v. Brilliant and beneficent as his career had been, Lord Hastings did not escape unjust detraction. Abdalaziz did his best to imitate his grandfather Omar in all things, and especially in maintaining the simple manner of life of the early Moslems. After speaking of Ranulf's unique position in the kingdom, which "fitted him for the part of a leader of opposition to royal or ministerial tyranny," Stubbs sums up his character in these words: "On more than one occasion he refused his consent to taxation which he deemed unjust; his jealousy of Hubert (de Burgh), although it led him to join the foreign party in 1223, did not prevent him from more than once interposing to prevent his overthrow. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. In the Sala dei Nove or della Pace above are the noble allegorical frescoes of Ambrogio Lorenzetti representing the effects of just and unjust government; the Sala delle Balestre or del Mappamondo is painted by Simone di Martino (Memmi) and others, the Cappella della Signoria by Taddeo di Bartolo, and the Sala del Consistorio by Beccafumi. This was unjust to the many men who were working, not without success, to raise the Republic out of its many difficulties. 11.excessive or Unjust demand; extortion. 3.the financial crisis and its repercussions have been horribly Unjust. The book was a damning critique of the courts martial system and the unjust manner in which men had been treated. The bitterness aroused by the ardent and to some extent unjust zeal of the reforming element can only be conjectured. He may depose emperors and absolve the subjects of the unjust from their allegiance. unjust enrichment in a sentence - Use "unjust enrichment" in a sentence 1. "It would be useless and almost unjust to insist upon a man's being virtuous if he cannot be so without being unhappy.

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