Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hero of mythic legend...Wonder Woman! DC has unveiled the details of the Future State event, revealing Wonder Woman's new look that borrows a key aspect from Black Label's Dead Earth. Wonder Woman: Dead Earth is an out-of-continuity series published under the DC Black Label banner. In the comic, which is written and illustrated by Daniel Warren Johnson, the Earth was ravaged by a nuclear war. Years after all of the destruction, Diana Prince woke up in the Batcave after being held in stasis to find a broken, ... Inside the Amazon Rainforest, the Amazon Yara Flor is hunting down a wild Hydra, trying to take its horn with the help of Jerry, her winged horse. Emerging from the Amazon rain forest, the new Wonder Woman must battle her way through hell! Wonder Woman appears in several titles, namely — Future State: Wonder Woman featuring the Brazilian Wonder Woman Yara Flor, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman featuring Diana Prince and Nubia, and Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman … Deep in the Amazon Rainforest. All because she wants to reach the Underworld, and use it to threaten Hades. She wants the Olympian to give her back a sister he took for himself. But in the absence of Diana, Yara Flor has risen out of obscurity to protect Man’s World from the magic that lies within it. DC's Future State event included the debut of Yara Flor, the Wonder Woman of the future. Yara's origin is finally coming to light and it is proving to be rather surprising. In this issue, the world has become a barren wasteland, with the only known survivors of Earth being Wonder Woman, a handful of Themysciran soldiers and a dying Swamp Thing . Artist: Joelle Jones. Future State: Wonder Woman follows the stories of three wonder-filled women, Maria Flor, Nubia, and Diana Prince. The future Wonder Woman wasn't raised among Amazons. Publisher: DC Comics. Brazil. Publication date: January 5 2021 Status: Ongoing Views: 293,604 Bookmark. By Ian Cardona Published Oct 22, 2020 Last week, DC unveiled its plans for DC Future State, a two-month, line-wide event that will fast-forward into the future. Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hero of mythic legend...Wonder Woman! Future State: Wonder Woman. Betrayed by a close ally, Yaras back is against the wall as she is forced to battle legions of demons for survival and to liberate her Themysciran sister. Caiporatries to stop her, but in the end must help her, even if she trapped her in a battle against a Boitata in the past. Warning: major spoilers ahead for Wonder Girl #1! Warning: The following contains spoilers for Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, Jen Bartel and Pat Brosseau on sale now. Batman and Wonder Woman have always had a unique relationship, to say the least. FUTURE STATE: WONDER WOMAN #1. Future State is a two-month event following the Dark Nights: Death Metal story arc that explores narratives across the multiverse and possible futures. Writer: Joëlle Jones. Batman and Wonder Woman have always had a unique relationship, to say the least. Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman gives a glimpse into a world where Bruce is gone, and simultaneously reveals how much the Caped Crusader really meant to the Amazonian princess. Wonder Girl #1 has revealed more about Yara Flor's history and it isn't quite like the other Wonder Women in DC's universe. Witness Yara Flor at the height of her power as she takes on the king of the underworld, Hades himself! Maria Flor will face off against the forces of hell, while Nubia leads a squad of Amazons far from Paradise Island. Genres: Action, Adventure, Superhero. Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman gives a glimpse into a world where Bruce is gone, and simultaneously reveals how much the Caped Crusader really meant to the Amazonian princess. So, the little fairy transports her to the Underworld, telling her to kee… " Future State " is a comic book storyline published by DC Comics in January and February 2021, consisting of multiple limited series released in place of DC's regular ongoing series during those months. The event is set in the aftermath of Dark Nights: Death Metal, and takes place in a "possible future" of the DC Universe.

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