The diagnosis of LV requires a full workup including a detailed history and a thorough physical examination. >कौन-से अनुच्छेद में ‘समता के अधिकार’ का प्रावधान है ? • Apple jelly nodules are characteristic papular lesions of lupus vulgaris detected on diascopy. SEE: Arantius, Julius Caesar.

>महरौली में जंग.रहित लौह स्तंभ किसने स्थापित किया ? In Europe, over 80% of the lesions occur on the head and neck, particularly on the nose and cheek [11], Whereas in the tropics lesions are noticed more commonly on the extremities and buttocks. LV associated with esthiomene has been documented [45]. Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei, also known as lupus miliaris faciei, lupus miliaris folicularis, tuberculosis luposa miliaris, or tuberculosis miliaris disseminatus faciei, is round, unruptured papules scattered in the face, leaving atrophic scars after healing. >सल्तनतकालीन किस सुल्तान ने सर्वप्रथम किसानों पर ‘सिंचाई कर’ तथा ब्राह्मणों पर ‘जजिया कर’ लगाया ? Â, Cook CD, Hainsworth M (1990) Tuberculosis of the conjunctiva occurring in association with a neighbouring lupus vulgaris lesion. The Mantoux test showed erythema and an induration of 20 x 20 cm. It is a paucibacillary lesion in a previously sensitized host with good immunity.

>11 मार्च 2011 को जापान में आए जोरदार भूकंप एवं सुनामी द्वारा जिन न्यूक्लीय रिएक्टरों की भारी क्षति के फलस्वरूप विकिरण का रिसाव हुआ, वे किस जगह थे ? Laboratory investigations should aim at both confirming the diagnosis of lupus vulgaris and excluding other foci of tuberculosis. Â,  Küçükünal A, Ekmekçi TR, Sakız D (2012) "Turkey ear" as a cutaneous maniestation of tuberculosis. (2006) Comprehensive findings on clinical, bacteriological, histopathological and therapeutic aspects of cutaneous tuberculosis. © Â. Werschler WP, Elgart ML, Williams CM (1990) Progressive asymptomatic annular facial skin lesions. In a study by Suthar et. It is believed to be cutaneous tuberculosis resulting from hematogenous dissemination, which is a variant of lupus vulgaris or tuberculid. >अंग्रेजों द्वारा कलकत्ता में निर्मित दुर्ग का नाम क्या है ? An infant presents with itchy lesions over the groin and prepuce;All of the following are indicated in this patient except: All are features of lepromatous leprosy except -. The jelly-like lesion of lupus vulgaris. Apple jelly nodules can be seen in diascopy. The disease develops slowly and can persist for months to years. Lesions involving the genitalia [21,22], nasal mucosa [23-25] and auricular cartilage are rare but associated with severe disfigurement [4]. Â, Hruza GJ, Posnick RB, Weltman RE (1989) Disseminated lupus vulgaris presenting as granulomatous folliculitis. Â, Campanelli CD, Santoro AF, Webster CG, Lee JB (2001) Symmetrically distributed orange eruption on the ears: a case of lupus vulgaris. >‘किशन महाराज’ किस वाद्य यंत्र से सम्बन्धित हैं ? >भारतीय अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम का पिता किसे कहा गया है ? The lesions may ultimately develop into disfiguring skin ulcers if left untreated. Due to its myriad forms, a high index of suspicion is the key to making the diagnosis. >जैन तीर्थंकर श्री महावीर जी का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था ? Â. Findlay GH (1987) Bacterial Infections. Psoriasiform lupus vulgaris: Solitary plaque with silvery scaling. >किस मुगल शासक ने ‘न्याय की जंजीर’ लगवाई थी ? A 30 year old male had severely itchy papula-vesicular lesions on extremities,knees,elbows and buttocks for one year.Direct immunofluorescence staining of the lesions showed IgA deposition at dermoepidermal junction.The most probable diagnosis is : Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis is a dorm of -. >संविधान में मूल कर्तव्यों की प्रेरणा किस देश से ली गई है ? >आनुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व प्रणाली किसके चुनाव के लिए प्रयोग की जाती है ? Some patients can spontaneously heal. Lesions on the nasal mucosa may mimic other granulomatous lesions including lepromatous leprosy, Wegener’s granulomatosis and syphilis with destruction of the nasal cartilage and deformity [24]. Degeneration and absence of collagen fibers and elastic fibers in the infiltration, and thrombosis and occlusion in the blood vessels can be seen. It was not until 1882 that Robert Koch discovered the causative agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis [1]. Â, Eskelund GM (1951) Vitamin D2 therapy of lupus vulgaris of the nasal mucosa. The syndromic management of urethral discharge includes treatment of: A 25 year old man presents with recurrent episodes of flexural eczema,contact urticaria,recurrent skininfections and severe abdominal cramps and diarrhoea upon taking sea foods.He is suffering from: In congenital dystrophic variety of epidermolysis bullosa, mutation is seen in in the gene conding for -. >प्रथम एशियाई खेल कहाँ आयोजित किए गए थे ? ]]>

>महमूद गजवनी के आक्रमणों में सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण आक्रमण कौन-सा था ? It is important to make a diagnosis and promptly treat as it can be disfiguring and destructive. The drug of choice for a pregnant woman in 2nd trimester with pustular psoriasis is: Latest systemic oral medicine for scabies is, Invermectin in indicated in the treatment in of -, Which layer of epidermis is underdeveloped in the VLBW infants in the initial 7 days -. The hemogram, liver function tests, and renal function tests were normal, except for an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); [CDATA[// >

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