‘Trumpism’ is All-American: Don't Tread on Me, Damn It! Williams, who emerged during the late 1980s as a recording artist for Geffen Records , has scored many R&B hit singles, notably "Talk to Myself" (1989), " I'm Dreamin' " (1991) and " Every Little Thing U Do " (1993). + It channels people’s energy into fighting over the best methods for managing capitalist rule rather than abolishing it. Peter Kuznick, Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton reminded listeners in a recent discussion, https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/10/14/liberalism-and-fascism-partners-in-crime/, The Worship of Donald Trump …Ignoramus-in-Chief … and What It Says about America’s Education System. They played a very important role in overseeing, advising and managing global investment in Germany, which had become one of the most important international markets—particularly for American investors—during the second half of the 1920s. Buchenwald, for instance, provided concentration camp labor for GM’s enormous Russelsheim plant, as well as for the Ford truck plant located in Cologne, and Ford’s German managers made extensive use of Russian POW’s for war production work (a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions). He the founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop and Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University. In 1934, the United Kingdom, France and Italy signed the Munich Agreement, in which they agreed to allow Hitler to invade and colonize the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. This was equally true of many of the major corporations and banks whose headquarters were in Western bourgeois democracies. In October of 1922, magnates in the Confederation of Industry and major bank leaders provided him with the millions necessary for the March on Rome as a spectacular show of force. John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, who would later respectively become the Secretary of State and the head of the CIA, ran Sullivan & Cromwell, which some consider to have been the largest Wall Street law firm at the time. Leon Trotsky understood this perfectly and diagnosed what was going on at the time with remarkable insight: The results are at hand: bourgeois democracy transforms itself legally, pacifically, into a fascist dictatorship. CHRISTOPHER SIMPSON Partner. As we shall see even in this brief overview, far from being enemies, they have been -- sometimes subtle, sometimes forthright -- partners in capitalist crime. “Commerce Department reports show,” writes Simpson, “that U.S. investment in Germany increased some 48.5 percent between 1929 and 1940, while declining sharply everywhere else in continental Europe.” The German subsidiaries of U.S. companies like Ford and General Motors, as well as several oil companies, made wide use of forced labor in concentration camps. It unflinchingly set about—at a rather different pace in Italy than in Germany—completing the task it had been hired to accomplish by crushing organized labor, eradicating opposition parties, destroying independent publications, putting a halt to elections, scapegoating and eliminating racialized underclasses, privatizing public assets, launching projects of colonial expansion and investing heavily in a war economy beneficial to its industrial supporters. |, INTO THE SANDBOX: FINTECH INNOVATION IN THE BVI, O’Neal Webster Acts for Scotiabank on the Sale of its BVI Operations, O’Neal Webster Advises on JPY 3.8 Billion British Virgin Islands Plan of Arrangement, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Adopts Measures for Alternative Effect Of Service On Bvi Business Companies.

Early Reflections on the Election. [[[   https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/10/14/liberalism-and-fascism-partners-in-crime/ ]]]  Art by Nick Roney.

It represents a defense of the rule of law and democracy in the face of aberrant, malevolent demagogues intent on destroying a perfectly good system for their own gain. Indeed, it was the fear of being left to confront Hitler alone which eventually drove Stalin, since 1934 the unswerving champion of an alliance with the West against him, into the Stalin-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939, by which he hoped to keep the U.S.S.R. out of the war.” This non-aggression pact was then disingenuously presented in the Western media as an undeniable indication that the Nazis and communists were somehow allies. Position: Partner. Kris denied the affair in 2013 in an interview with …

America in Transition: Two Things Donald Trump Can Do to Burnish His Legacy, San Franciscans Vote Overwhelmingly to Rein in Overpaid CEOs, Fur Trades and Pandemics: Coronavirus and Denmark’s Great Mink Massacre, The US Presidential Election: the View from Outside, Progressives Made Trump’s Defeat Possible. The long psychological warfare campaign waged under the deceptive banner of ‘totalitarianism’ has done much to further dissimulate this line of demarcation by disingenuously presenting communism as a form of fascism. The Nazis rose to power in much the same way, by working within the parliamentary system and courting the favor of big industrial magnates and bankers. As every school child in the U.S. learns, for instance, liberalism defeated fascism in World War II, beating back the Nazi beast in order to establish a new international order that—for all of its potential faults and misdeeds—was built upon key democratic principles that are antithetical to fascism. As we shall see even in this brief overview, far from being enemies, they have been—sometimes subtle, sometimes forthright—partners in capitalist crime. Instead, they stood idly by while the Axis powers provided massive support to General Francisco Franco as he oversaw a military coup d’état. This was equally true of many of the major corporations and banks whose headquarters were in Western bourgeois democracies. Hitler would later reminisce, in a speech on October 19, 1935, on what it meant to have the material resources necessary to support 1,000 Nazi orators with their own cars, who could hold some 100,000 public meetings in the course of a year. Elizabeth Johnson founded SimpsonScarborough in 2006 with the vision of creating a higher ed marketing agency that puts research at the center of marketing strategies. The secret is simple enough: bourgeois democracy and fascist dictatorship are the instruments of one and the same class, the exploiters. Hitler would later reminisce, in a speech on October 19, 1935, on what it meant to have the material resources necessary to support 1,000 Nazi orators with their own cars, who could hold some 100,000 public meetings in the course of a year. For the sake of argument and concision, I will here focus primarily on a conjunctural account of the non-controversial cases of Italy and Germany. It was not only within Italy and Germany that bourgeois democracy allowed for the rise of fascism. Although one prefers the velvet glove of hegemonic and consensual rule, and the other relies more readily on the iron fist of repressive violence, they are both intent on maintaining and developing capitalist social relations, and they have worked together throughout modern history in order to do so.

It is Now Trump vs. Clinton, So How Valid are Predictions of American Fascism? “The team is really agile in responding, they understand our requirements very well.” – Client Feedback. It is absolutely impossible to prevent the replacement of one instrument by the other by appealing to the Constitution, the Supreme Court at Leipzig, new elections, etc. [/2vc_row], © 2006 – 2020 O’NealWebster. The widespread idea, at least within the U.S., that fascism was ultimately defeated by liberalism in WWII, due primarily to the U.S. intervention in the war, is a baseless canard. “The sheer reluctance of Western governments to enter into effective negotiations with the Red state,” wrote Eric Hobsbawm, “even in 1938-39 when the urgency of an anti-Hitler alliance was no longer denied by anyone, is only too patent. They played a very important role in overseeing, advising and managing global investment in Germany, which had become one of the most important international markets—particularly for American investors—during the second half of the 1920s.

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