And GREAT GRACE was upon them as the Lord added to the church daily those being saved. What an amazing account of the early church! The days of the early church only intensified their passions. Are we ready to follow the path which the early church walked, which was an extremely difficult one, but in the process was a road by which they would discover the incredible grace and power and joy and gladness which they experienced? St Justin Martyr, who lived between 100 and 165, was a philosopher and Christian apologist. Christ’s teachings drastically changed their lives! The Roman Powers of the day would have laughed at the thought that this small band of Jewish men and women would amount to anything. Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ in the flesh. With great power they GAVE WITNESS TO THE RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus. “This Week at Unlocking the Bible” features new articles, radio programs, devotionals, and ministry updates, Judy Allen is an area director of Community Bible Study…. Fr. Do we allow Christ and His teachings to become the primary guiding force in our lives, or do we simply interpret His teachings in a way which will bless the lives we already choose to live?!? LEARNING and GROWING in the TEACHINGS of Jesus; Experiencing nourishing and encouraging FELLOWSHIP with one another; Sharing all they had with an extreme GENEROSITY with one another; PRAYING CONSTANTLY in the temple and in one another’s homes; RADIATING JOY and GLADNESS even when they SUFFERED; Finding the COURAGE to SPEAK BOLDLY about the Good News of Jesus Christ. Growth means that more people will know the peace of the love and grace of God expressed through the sacrifice and authority of Jesus Christ and the power of his Holy Spirit. That is why they would risk their lives to travel the world over in order to share the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection and the presence of God’s Kingdom on earth here and now! Three thousand people joined the church on its first day of existence. The early church strove to live out the teachings of Jesus in a very revolutionary manner. It means that we have to change our ego-centric ways and make them Christo-centric. Posted by the Orthodox Christian Network. There were no church organizations in those days, and it seems no one compared budgets, buildings, or the number of people on their benches. They lived their lives as if their lives had been changed by Jesus! ). The Early Evangelistic Church. Her power seems to have been undiluted, and her actions, pure: So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. If we, the church, focus on fearing him, we won’t be nearly as fearful of anything else. The Church Fathers were important to the early Church, for they were the ones who had an important role in the process of the formation of the canon of the New Testament, as well as the interpretation of Scripture. His followers didn’t simply believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and then went on living their lives just like everyone else. On Pentecost, after receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter spoke to the crowds and concluded with this: Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. When a loved one is ill, are you praying with a deep reverence for the Lord and depending on the comfort of the Holy Spirit, or are you panicking? Interestingly, we’re told that they experienced the “strong comfort of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 9:31) This suggests that all was not rosy; no doubt they had problems within and outside the church. If you would like someone from our staff to call you, please include your phone number. If you’re reading this article, it’s thanks to the generosity of people like you, who have made Aleteia possible. In fact, we have an accurate description of this celebration from a saint of the early Church. Listen to this powerful and beautiful description of the early Church from the book of Acts, which we read during this post-Paschal season: The first Christians continued steadfastly in the apostles TEACHINGS. Now, the early church wasn’t perfect. St Justin proceeded to submit an account of Christian worship to the Roman Emperor in order to clear up many misconceptions. The examples I offered at the beginning show the success of the early Christians. We could hear in today’s reading how after an initial ideal period, conflicts began to arise in the Church. People saw HOW the followers of Jesus lived, and WERE INSPIRED by what they saw. Thus, the first Christians lived lives that were quite different from those around them in the world. It was an imperfect group of men and women who came together and tried to live out the teaching of love, mercy, compassion, grace, forgiveness and healing which Jesus Christ proclaimed. St Justin Martyr, who lived between 100 and 165, was a philosopher and Christian apologist. Daily and in every house THEY DID NOT CEASE TEACHING and PREACHING Jesus as the Christ! As we hear all this, we contemporary Christians need to ask ourselves if we are truly willing to follow the same path as the early Church. | Powered by: Worship LIVE Streaming Services Around the World, Listen to 24/7 Orthodox Christian Radio Streaming, The life of Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian – 2, A Thankful Heart Helps Us to See and Know God, The life of Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian – 1, There is a Difference Between Gratitude and Thanksgiving, Saint Nektarios, unappreciated by people, blessed by God, Let’s Talk Live: When Enough People Care to Make a Difference, The Synaxis of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel.

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