repudiation A type of attack on information integrity that can be launched by one of the two parties in the communication: the sender or the receiver.

shift register A sequence of cells where each cell holds a single bit. The attack may eventually result in denial of service. One of the security measures is Cryptography. decryption De-scrambling of the ciphertext to create the original plaintext. entity authentication A technique designed to let one party prove the identity of another party. Security Association Database (SAD) A two-dimensional table with each row defining a single security association (SA). ShiftColumns In Whirlpool, an operation similar to the ShiftRows transformation in AES, except that the columns, instead of rows, are shifted.

New York: CRC Press, 1997. cryptographic hash function A function that creates a much shorter output from an input.

related message attack An attack on RSA, discovered by Franklin Reiter, in which two related ciphertexts are used to find two related plaintexts when the public exponent is low. In this process, all your data is secured using some security measures. SubWord In AES, a routine similar to the SubBytes transformation, but applied only to one row.

The entity whose identity needs to be proved is called the claimant; the party that tries to prove the identity of the claimant is called the verifier. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. It also maintains the privacy of the users.

F factorization Finding all prime factors of an integer. diffusion A desired property of a block cipher introduced by Shannon that hides the relationship between the ciphertext and the plaintext. CMAC A standard MAC defined by NIST (FIPS 113) as the Data Authentication Algorithm.

product cipher A complex cipher, introduced by Shannon, that combines substitution, permutation, and other components to provide confusion and diffusion effects. [Sta06] Stallings, W. Cryptography and Network Security.

Fermat factorization method A factorization method in which an integer n is divided into two positive integers a and b so that n = a × b. n Fermat number A set of integers in the form Fn = 22 + 1, where n is an integer.

It is mostly based on MD5. data expansion function In TLS, a function that uses a predefined HMAC to expand a secret into a longer one. output feedback (OFB) mode A mode of operation similar to CFB but the shift register is updated by the previous r-bit key. X X.509 A recommendation devised by ITU and accepted by the Internet that defines certificates in a structured way. What Is Baiting Attack in Cyber Security? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

The blocks are encrypted one at a time in such a way that each character in the block contributes to the encryption of other characters in the block.

abelian group A commutative group. You can also request for an article in this category. Guillou-Quisquater protocol An extension of the Fiat-Shamir protocol in which a fewer number of rounds can be used to prove the identity of the claimant. finite group A group with a finite number of elements.

quoted-printable An encoding scheme used when the data consist mostly of ASCII characters with a small non-ASCII portion.
ShiftRows In AES, a transformation that shifts bytes. To completely prove this theorem, we need to show the product is unique.

Introduction to Cryptography and Network Security. decoding This term has many definitions. M main mode In IKE, any mode that uses a six-message exchange. D data confidentiality A security service designed to protect data from disclosure attacks, snooping, and traffic analysis.

counter (CTR) mode A mode of operation in which there is no feedback. [DF04] Dummit, D., and Foote, R. Abstract Algebra. "A textbook for beginners in security. Playfair cipher A polyalphabetic cipher in which the secret key is made of 25 alphabet letters arranged in a 5 × 5 matrix. Spoofing.

It is very difficult to imagine Cyber Security without Cryptography. Because a and b are both less than n, each can be written as the product of primes according to the assumption. authentication A security service that checks the identity of the party at the other end of the line.

Davies-Meyer scheme A hash function scheme basically the same as the Rabin scheme except that it uses forward feed to protect against meet-in-the-middle attack. time-stamped signatures A digital signature with a timestamp to prevent it from being replayed by an adversary.

[For07] Forouzan, B. input pad (ipad) The first padding used in the HMAC algorithm. Natick, MA: A. K. Peters, 1999. quadratic nonresidue (QNR) Coefficient a in the equation x2 = a (mod p), where the equation has no solution. bucket brigade attack See man-in-the-middle attack.

The first and the third stages use K1; the second stage uses K2.

But, if you enable chat backup, you backup data on Google Drive is no longer encrypted. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) The digital signature algorithm used by the Digital Signature Standard (DSS). Euler’s phi-function A function that finds the number of integers that are both smaller than n and relatively prime to n. Euler’s theorem A generalization of Fermat’s little theorem in which the modulus is an integer. challenge-response authentication An authentication method in which the claimant proves that she knows a secret without sending it. Security Association (SA) In IPSec, a logical relationship between two hosts. ring An algebraic structure with two operations. Merkle-Damgard scheme An iterated hash function that is collision resistant if the compression function is collision resistant. In this article, we will see the role of Cryptography in the field of Cyber Security. The next two characters are the hexadecimal representations of the byte. Digital Signature Standard (DSS) The digital signature standard adopted by NIST under FIPS 186. digram A two-letter string. modification A type of attack on the integrity of information in which the attacker delays, deletes, or changes information to make it beneficial to herself. The input to the function is all cell values; the output is the value fed to the first cell. confusion A desired property of a block cipher introduced by Shannon that hides the relationship between the ciphertext and the key. Kerckhoff’s principle A principle in cryptography that one should always assume that the adversary knows the encryption/decryption algorithm. Without Cryptography, Cyber Security will become weak. password-based authentication The simplest and oldest method of entity authentication, in which a password is used to identify the claimant.

deciphering See decryption.

nonce A random number that can be used only once. triple DES with three keys A triple DES implementation where there are three keys: K1, K2, and K3.

monoalphabetic cipher A substitution cipher in which a symbol in the plaintext is always changed to the same symbol in the ciphertext, regardless of its position in the text. Modern Algebra. possible weak keys A set of 48 keys in DES, where each key creates only four distinct round keys.

residue class A set of least residues. pseudorandom function (PRF) In TLS, a function that combines two data-expansion functions, one using MD5 and the other using SHA-1.

active attack An attack that may change the data or harm the system. session In SSL, an association between a client and a server. cryptography The science and art of transforming messages to make them secure and immune to attacks.

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