RSS 2.0. All powers of war and peace, taxation and the judiciary would be concentrated on the sovereign. In these and a thousand other ways a great impetus is given to the constructive imagination of those who have the task of keeping order and holding securely what they have won by the sword. Essay # 4. In the fifth place, Marxism, by identifying the state with the party, encourages the totalitarianism of the worst type like Fascism and Nazism. Its development cannot always be traced to a definite succession of forms, but it is rather a psychological tendency working through all forms. Describe the growth of political organs and functions in one of our new Western states. The Matriarchal Theory as the Origin of the State: The chief exponents of the matriarchal theory are Morgan, Meclennan and Edward Jenks. Willoughby, on the other hand, says that the essential elements of a state are : (r) a community of people socially united; (2) a political machinery, termed a government, and administered by a corps of officials termed a magistracy ; and (3) a body of rules or maxims, written or unwritten, determining the scope of this public authority, and the manner of its exercise.'. We shall now discuss the causes of the decline of the theory. “The King”, the people said, “has broken his contract and the King, therefore, is dismissed like any other unfaithful servant”. The fourth fruit from the social contract theory is the concept of popular sovereignty as propounded by Jean-Jacques Rousseau so much so that Rousseau’s social contract inspired several peoples in the world to overthrow their despised rulers. The kingdoms of Norway, Sweden and Denmark arc historical examples of the creation of states by the use of force. That sovereign might be a single person or an assembly of the whole body of citizens. Laws fay deep in the profusion of the Sastras. The polis or city state, as it originated among the Greeks, differs somewhat from the civitas as devised by the Romans. This matriarchal system continued until the advent of the pastoral age when the permanent marriage was introduce. As the family multiplied in numbers through adoption and natural increase until it became a great tribe under the direction of the patriarch and chief, it became necessary to establish more elaborate methods of control. Thus the state came in to ensure the right of the dominant class to exploit the other classes. A chief or leader was chosen from among the heads of the gentes. As for documentary evidence in support of this theory, there were twelve tribes who formed the Jewish nation as we gather from the Bible. The theory goes to tell that the stale came into existence out of a contract between the people and the sovereign at some point of time. - 2020 International Viewpoint - online socialist magazine The State (English Translation by Gitterman, 1914). Thus, the salient feature of the patriarchal theory is that the families grew through the descendants of the father, not the mother. But always and in every way he had large executive, judicial, and legislative power. Patriarchal Theory. The Greeks attempted this in the ancient leagues, like the AEtolian, the Achaean, and the Lycian. Whether the government is communistic, patriarchal, monarchical, or democratic, it is always a mere form of demonstrating the power of the state. Causes of the Decline of the Divine Theory: Essay # 2. The authority of the father over the children is only temporary, because his authority ends when the children grow in age. As it was but natural that the father of the family in a patriarchal society should be the one to lead and control, so it was again the natural outcome of this leadership, when the family expanded into a tribe of many groups of people, that the father or oldest male should be the leader. Were the Indian tribes which the white man found in this country at the time of its discovery a state, or states? FOWLER, W. W. The City-State of the Greeks and Romans, pp. Doubtlessly for the origin of the state behind the constitution we must go back to primitive social institutions. Another significant thing was that the Holy Roman Empire was torn apart by the wars of the Reformation. Modern political scientists have rejected the contract theory as unacceptable. He did not agree that the state of nature was a gloomy and dismal one as painted by Thomas Hobbes. These various relationships were clearly marked by political and social duties and privileges.

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