Only in recent years has the NSA been releasing to the public portions of its voluminous files on the Venona Project, and what we are learning changes the way we look at our history in ways that could not have been thought of only years before. every Soviet cargo ship that arrived at an American port to pick up Lend-Lease supplies had in its crew at least one, often two, and sometimes three informants who reported either to the KGB or to the Naval GRU. of secret German-Soviet peace negotiations. In 1944 KGB agents from San Francisco hunted down a number of deserters from a Soviet ship. Copyright © 2019 by the Atomic Heritage Foundation. This perception colored the early Cold War with the hues of apocalypse. seriously pursuing a separate peace. As for American Communists, they were widely portrayed as having no connection with espionage. Information from the Venona decryptions underlay the policies of U.S. government officials in their approach to the issue of domestic communism. William Perl, a brilliant young government aeronautical scientist, provided the Soviets with the results of the highly secret tests and design experiments for American jet These intelligence officers pursued two missions. Once aware of it, the Soviets monitored the Venona project from their diplomatic offices in New York, Washington and San Francisco. To lose there was to lose all: the task of rebuilding stable democracies in postwar Europe and forging the NATO Whittaker Chambers, it is unlikely that his aides would have considered undertaking a campaign to discredit Bentley and indict Chambers for perjury, or would have allowed themselves to be taken in by the disinformation However, Soviet Party leaders were not only aware of the liaison; they actively worked to assist the relationship. The president was informed about the substance of the Venona messages as it came to him through FBI and Justice Department memorandums on espionage Code-breaking alone doesn’t explain the stunning Allied victory in the Battle of Midway (June 4-7, 1942), according to Symonds. The senior members of the Army and the FBI gave knowledge of Venona to only a privileged few people in the Roosevelt administration with a “need to know.” In fact, the CIA was not brought into the fold until 1952, and even then it did not receive all deciphered messages until 1953. The charges by the former Soviet spy Elizabeth Bentley that several dozen mid-level government officials, mostly secret Communists, had assisted Soviet intelligence You are seeing this page to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA") and other California privacy laws. Code Breakers is the only escape room in Pittsburgh to provide kid-friendly options designed for ages 7-12. The Venona project took place between 1943 and 1980. Six decades later, the execution of the Rosenbergs remains a controversial subject. George S. Patton, U.S. Army commander in World War II. Venona Documents from the National Security Archive. Soviet spies occupied positions of trust and importance in the Manhattan Project, and passed on valuable information about the bomb and its design. They were ordered declassified by the congressional Commission on Government Secrecy. He was a supplier of information for the MGB, which now had a pipeline into the most secret U.S. government project. Two of these adversaries were the aforementioned General Clarke and Admiral Stone. The OSS was headed by William Donovan, a World War I Medal of Honor recipient, New York lawyer, and Republican. When Elizabeth Bentley went over to the FBI with her information on Soviet espionage activities in the United States, she reported that British intelligence officer Kim Philby, a trusted World War II veteran of the British spy service and covert Russian agent, had given the Soviets some details concerning Venona back in 1944. Yet Venona showed that the KGB had Mole, the appropriate cover name of a Soviet source inside the Washington establishment who had passed on to Moscow high-level Rosenberg would assuredly have been convicted, but his penalty might well have been life in prison rather than execution. There have been countless thousands of published works devoted to all or of it. Klaus Fuchs was born in Rüsselsheim, Germany in 1911. Reynolds in extreme confidence that Admiral Stone had indicated a desire to disseminate [blank] material at least to the Central Intelligence Agency. The code-breakers, now in their 70's and 80's, appeared elated that their secret was finally out. In the memo, the writer said that a certain Captain Joseph Wenger, the deputy director of the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA), advised a Mr. Reynolds that a great deal of pressure was being brought to bear on an Admiral Stone, who was director of the AFSA, to distribute the Venona materials. He was the younger brother of Ethel Rosenberg. Despite its central role in the history of American counterintelligence, the Venona Project remained among the most tightly held government secrets. is brought to you by Historynet LLC, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. His testimony ultimately proved decisive in the conviction of the Rosenbergs, who were executed in the electric chair on June 19, 1953. (blacked-out) text. Kurt Vonnegut, American novelist (Slaughterhouse Five). XHTML: You can use these tags:

. A retired Russian spy who was close to the couple during the war, Alexander Feklisov, provided more information on Ethel and Julius Rosenberg’s wartime espionage activities. (CIA), the successor to the OSS? At the meeting, the two CIA representatives were shown summaries of Venona messages but they did not include any identification made by the FBI. A number of the Venona cables implicated Hiss as a Soviet asset who went by the code name “Ales.” The files also report a meeting between a KGB officer and a GRU officer whose source in Washington was “Ales.” Another file linking Hiss to Soviet intelligence comes from a cable to Moscow from its agent “Vadim”—who was, in reality, Anatoli Gromov, the station chief of the NKVD (the forerunner of the KGB), in which he reports a conversation between agent “A” and “Ales.”. By June 1952, a tentative agreement by the CIA and the FBI was cemented in order for the latter to be given certain access to Venona materials. Chris Dreja, musician; guitarist and bass player for The Yardbirds. In 1930, he joined the German Communist Party. Many of these people were confidants of the president and had considerable influence in the administration. Among the important information Gardner learned was that the KGB had spies operating in Latin America, and that the KGB had many discussions about the 1944 U.S. presidential election. extraordinarily sensitive information to the Soviet Union that had seriously damaged American interests. During the early Cold War, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, every few months newspaper headlines trumpeted the exposure of yet another network of Communists who had infiltrated an American laboratory, labor union, or government agency. America was still distant from Stalin's immediate concerns, the threat in danger of being pushed into the sea, and then again in the winter when Communist Chinese forces entered the war in massive numbers. alliance and wanted to avoid the political embarrassment of a security scandal. The names Theodore Hall and Saville Sax were a huge find for modern-day historians when the Venona files were finally declassified. He also named numerous top-level U.S. officials who were stealing national secrets for the Soviets. But According to his Soviet handler, Rosenberg provided numerous classified documents, including a model of a proximity fuze. undertaken by the federal government in the late 1940s and early 1950s were premised on an assumption that the CPUSA had assisted Soviet espionage. All rights reserved. He was implicated in the same Soviet spy ring that included Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. capabilities of the MiG-15. 5th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park,          Contact Us. They were heroes. After graduating from high school, she became an active member of a workers’ union organizing strikes and protests and joined the Young Communist League. For three years, cryptanalysts struggled to decipher Soviet trade traffic. At a young age, Hall demonstrated considerable aptitude in mathematics and science. The Leads from decrypted telegrams exposed the senior British diplomat Donald Maclean as a major spy in the British embassy in Washington and When Hall first approached the Russians, a member of the American Communist Party named Bernard Schuster did a background check on him, and Hall was brought into the fold. While not every Soviet spy was a Communist, most were. receive material. a far more valuable source than Greenglass, a machinist. In the late 1920s and 1930s, Stalin directed most of the resources of Soviet intelligence at nearby targets in Europe and Asia. This stranglehold on the Venona materials was intended to prevent the possibility of a leak that would have alerted the Soviets to the American breakthrough. Western Europe, clearly, would be the chief battleground of the Cold War. Ladd specified what types of information the CIA would get. Mr. Kirby explained to the CIA representatives that AFSA was not “in the identification business”—rather, that was the job of the FBI and that he could not give that type of information to the CIA. The majority of the messages were decrypted between 1942 and 1945. By the time the Venona project ended, more than 3,000 letters from the Soviet Union to their personnel in the United States had been read. After accusations of his espionage emerged in 1950, Sobell and his family fled to Mexico, but were later kidnapped by armed men and returned to the United States, where they were turned over to the FBI. He was later to run a secret American spy unit operated by an American called Gregory Silvermaster. The Truman administration had expected the end of World War II to allow the dismantling of the massive military machine created to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. One of those disclosures is the “Venona” files. The files also shed a bright light on the mentality of the Cold War that dominated U.S. foreign policy for almost 50 years. After World War II, Hall left Los Alamos for the University of Chicago, where he continued to pass along information to the Soviet Union about the in-development hydrogen bomb. Additionally, Rosenberg recruited a man named Russell McNutt, code-named “Fogel,” who was a civil engineer at the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, plant that made components for the atomic bomb. The understanding also lay behind the 1948 decision by Truman's Sax traveled to New Mexico, where he picked up information provided to him by Hall. to its integrity that Stalin's espionage offensive represented. Arts | Had Venona been made public, Greenglass would have shared the stage with three other atomic spies and

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