We have sinned against God and neighbour in thought, word and deed; by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. 23:1–3, 6–9; Lev. Craig Donofrio, Rev. But Jesus was quoting two of the 613 verses that the Pharisees counted as commandments (mitzvah) from the books of Moses. 1:41; 5:32–33; 6:17; 9:12, 16; 12:21; etc. Now, let's take a quick look at what we call the "Three Uses of God's Law" as properly understood and taught by the Lutheran Church. Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar (1982), Der Dekalog: Seine Späten Fassungen, die Originale Komposition und Seine Vorstufen (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 45; Freiburg/Göttingen: Universitätsverlag/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). Such juxtaposition is characteristic of all OT law and there is no tension or proof of priority between the two types (Childs, 1974). The former is widely used in ancient Near Eastern law-collections, whereas apodictic law is relatively rare outside the Bible. We should be wary of reading too much into the change of form here, especially since it results in a division that does not work well in respect to content. Within the first group there is variation between the use of first and third person pronouns for God, but this appears to be simply a matter of style and there is no need to draw theological conclusions.12 The same variation is found in the Book of the Covenant, while the Holiness Code tends to use the first person and the Deuteronomic Laws the third person form. Graupner, Axel (1987), ‘Zum Verhältnis der Beiden Dekalogfassungen Ex 20 und Dtn 5: Ein Gespräch mit Frank-Lothar Hossfeld’, ZAW 99: 308–29. Alan J. Reinach is Executive Director of the Church State Council, the religious liberty educational and advocacy arm of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, representing five western states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah. According to Exodus 25:10-22 the tablets were stored in the Ark of the Covenant. It may be true that the commandments concerning idolatry and coveting are parallel in meaning (cf Col. 3:5) and that there is an element of chiasm in this, but the rest seems rather artificial To make the structure work, Smith has to count just nine commandments (by making the first into a declaration of exclusive sovereignty after the pattern of the suzerainty treaties) and this goes against the very strong tradition that there were ten. The prohibitions mark the outer limits to be observed so that the divine-human relationship is not disturbed and the community protected from behaviour which could destroy it (Fretheim, 1991; Houtman, 1996). Reflecting On John 17, The High Priestly Prayer, A... Providence? According to rabbinic tradition, they were rectangles, with sharp corners,[3] and indeed they are so depicted in the 3rd century paintings at the Dura-Europos Synagogue and in Christian art throughout the 1st millennium,[4] drawing on Jewish traditions of iconography. However, although it is a very old manuscript, the form of the text appears to be a combination of that in Exodus and Deuteronomy, later than either of the canonical versions, and does not provide an independent testimony to the original text (Stamm and Andrew, 1967: 13). Jesus also points out that our love for God and neighbour is never finished. 5, but these terms are misleading generalisations and the dating is based on an evolutionary idea of Israel’s history which has long been discredited (Gressmann 1913: 473–79; Alt 1934: 117 n. 95; Durham 1987; Harrelson 1997: 28). Also the division of commandments into ten in Exod. 19:2–4, 5–8, 12, 14). On the contrary, it allows a maximum of self-determination to the semi-nomads recently freed from slavery, whereas positive commands would be more restrictive (Mendenhall, 1954). The second person singular is used for the audience, which is unusual in OT law and unique in the Ancient Near East (cf. 21:15, 17; 22:20; 31:14–15; Lev. On the other hand Hossfeld (1982; followed by Lang, 1984) argues that the version in Deuteronomy is original and that it was reworked and incorporated into the Sinai narrative of Exodus by a post-exilic redactor, a hypothesis which has been widely refuted14. Ben-Zion Segal and Gershon Levi (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1990), 121–60; tr. It is impossible to be certain, but the latter seems more likely. Exod. Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy, Concord Matters – The Three Uses and the Two Tables of the Law, http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/CM/CM_Feb_08_2014.mp3, World Lutheran News Digest - Prolife Organizations, Mercy Medical Teams, Lutherans in Ghana, Wrestling With the Basics - So You Want to Be a Disciple... (pt.1), News Break – Supreme Court again delays on abortion law, Daily Chapel – Rev. Listener Lines: 314.821.0850 | 1.800.730.2727. 34:28; Deut. Phillips, Anthony (1970), Ancient Israel’s Criminal Law: A New Approach to the Decalogue (Oxford: Blackwell). //  On your podcast app  //  Livestream kfuo.org 24/7  // AM850 in STL, USA. Ephesians 6:2–3 distinguishes this as the ‘first commandment with a promise’, while the Jewish sages consider it the weightiest commandment (Weinfeld, 1991: 312). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 4:13; 10:4), though it was not commonly used before Clement of Alexandria in the second century ad (Houtman, 1996). It, however, does not account for the fact that the first five commandments are almost six times as long as the second five, unless it was thought to be only a brief form of the commandments that was engraved in stone. Fretheim, Terence E. (1991), Exodus (Interpretation; Louisville, Kentucky: John Knox). J. Cheryl Exum and H.G.M. Broken: Seven Christian Rules That Every Christian Ought to Break as Often as Possible, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? His grace is sufficient and in Him all things are made complete. Concord Matters is hosted by Rev. Philo has the same enumeration as the others listed here, except that he places the prohibition of adultery before that of murder. 'Evangelize' My City? ; ‘that it may go well with you’, cf. According to the Talmud, the length and width of each of the Tablets was six Tefachim, and each was three Tefachim thick - roughly 50 and 25 centimetres (20 and 10 in) respectively,[6] though they tend to be shown larger in art. “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”, Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.

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