The Best Aquarium Rock Buyers Guide – 2020, The Best Aquarium Plants – 2020 Buyers Guide, The Best Water Conditioner For Fish Tank – 2020 Guide, The Best Aquarium Thermometer Reviews – 2020 Guide, The Best Fish Tank Decorations – 2020 Guide. There are one or two fins present along the dorsal midline called the first and second dorsal fin. The shark’s field of vision is only about 15 metres, which means that it needs to get fairly close to its prey in order to make an effective attack. To do this, sharks do not have to drink the seawater around them, as is the case with most bony fish. The claoca is the chamber where the digestive, urinary and genital tracts all open to the outside. Shark Anatomy 101. The tail region itself consists of the caudal peduncle and the caudal fin. This is what gives rotting fish its unbearable smell. There are two other organs that are visible but do not belong to the digestive system. Each of the fins are used in a different manner. Powered by Figure 3 : An image of a shark skull superimposed over an image of a shark head. url("//") format("woff"); Attempt these Explain the Anatomy of Functions of Shark Structures quizzes and learn, revise, and practice. While the shark’s eye is similar to humans’ and many other animal species’ eye, it is especially adapted to life under water. This large, soft and oily organ can comprise up to 25% of the total body weight. } The spiral valve intestine empties into the rectum and anus which in turn empties into the cloaca. Changes are done, please view the flashcard. Oils that are lighter than water are stored in the liver. The pancreas is a digestive gland with two pink lobes. Aside from the liver, the stomach can be seen within the body cavity. Sharks that are more active at night (nocturnal) have better developed tapetum lucidum tissue. The lateral line, together with the ampullae of Lorenzini comprise the electrosensory component of the sharks sensory system. This allows for limited depth perception, but increases the quality of the objects being viewed at the time. In males they have a secondary function as they are modified into copulatory organs called claspers. Learn and explain about Explain the Anatomy of Functions of Shark Structures these Flashcards. all waste exits the body through the cloaca. It also serves a reproductive function like the vagina in females of these species, and also performs the function of sperm ejaculation in males of some species. Essentially the structure consists of a layer of parallel, plate-like cells filled with silver guanine crystals. Some of the organs mentioned can be seen in this photograph of a mature male porbeagle shark. This picture of the head of a porbeagle shark has a photograph of the skull superimposed on top of it. However, tooth appearance can also differ between the upper and lower jaw, and from front to back, within any given shark. Compare and contrast the structure and function of the cloaca (shark), the urogenital sinus (cat), and the vulva (human). Like the rest of its skeleton, the skull of a shark is made mostly of cartilage. "    " + The first is the spleen, which is a dark organ near the stomach that belongs to the lymphatic system. A bird's cloaca is the end of several internal systems, including the digestive, excretory, and reproductive tracts. Figure 1 : Ampullae of Lorenzini on a Porbeagle shark. These fascinating creatures continue to be the subject of many scientific and biological research initiatives in order to determine more about their bodies, abilities and adaptations. Upon incision of the belly from the pelvic fins to the pectoral fins the first organ encountered is the liver. The shape, number and appearance of shark teeth varies considerably among shark species, and can be one of the most important features for species identification. } else { After days of not seeing our shark cut open, ... Cloaca. Sharks are able to change their field of vision from being stereoscopic to monocular at will. Shark Fins The sharks fins are used for stabilizing, steering, lift and propulsion (thrust). This means that there is an equal concentration of solutes within their body as there are in the ocean in which they live. 2. The spiracle is a vestigial first gill slit. Figure 1 : The nictitating membrane can be seen on this example of a blue shark. Oils that are lighter than water are stored in the liver. Each of the fins are used in a different manner. When spines are present they are defensive, and may also have skin glands associated with them that produce an irritating substance. The most variable aspect of a shark skull is the jaw. These areas are strengthened with calcium salts forming a "calcified cartilage" which has similar strength characteristics of bone without the added weight. The blue shark is a good example of how teeth can differ between the upper and lower jaws. Also easily found within the body cavity is the pancreas. There are two blind spots;one directly in front of the shark’s snout and one directly behind the head. Cartilage found in the jaws and backbones of sharks require more strength then the cartilage found in the fins. It appears as an opening behind the eye, as in the spiny dogfish photo below. These types of animals are also known as osmoconformers. Each ampulla is a bundle of sensory cells that are enervated by several nerve fibers. These two fins may, or may not have […] The second is the rectal gland, a small organ that opens by a duct into the rectum. > -1) { var windowHref = window.location.href || ''; Figure 3 : Photo showing the rectal gland and lower intestine of a porbeagle shark. It smells fishy is low concentrations and like ammonia in high concentrations. The teeth of the porbeagle and mako are alike in both the upper and lower jaws. (Just saying that they live in water is not a sufficient answer. To do this, sharks do not have to drink the seawater around them, as is the case with most bony fish. The tooth bed membrane is similar to a conveyor belt, moving the rows of teeth forward as the shark grows, thus replacing the older teeth in front that have become damaged, fallen out or worn down. Shark Fins The sharks fins are used for stabilizing, steering, lift and propulsion (thrust). It closes when the shark passes close to a objects and also during biting or feeding. Water enters through the mouth of the animal, into the pharynx, over the gills and exits through the gill slits. } This tissue is situated behind the retina. There are one or two fins present along the dorsal midline called the first and second dorsal fin. Monocular vision is implemented when the shark uses only one of its eyes. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. It is not uncommon for shark teeth to be found lodged in large prey (such as whale carcasses) or loose on the ocean floor. } It acts as a salt gland, removing excess sodium chloride (salt) from the blood. Pelvic fins are found near the claoca and are also stabilizers. nurse sharks and zebra sharks). It was amazing to see everything the food goes through just come right back out. It consists of structures called neuromasts which are located in canals that lie just below the surface of the skin or the scales. The most common type of jaw found in modern sharks allows the full jaw to swing down and forward in order to swallow larger prey items. However, tapetum lucidum is a special tissue present in sharks that makes it particularly adept at seeing under water. These fibers are enclosed in a gel-filled tubule which has a direct opening to the surface through a pore. document.write( Other bony fish are not capable of this. It again proves to researchers and biologists that the body of the shark has been ingeniously designed to survive in its watery habitat. Figure 2 : Here is another example of the nictitating membrane in use as a blue shark feeds on some bait (cod). Figure 1 : Photo showing the liver of an adult male Porbeagle shark. Dermal denticles are homologous in structure to teeth, and are what gives the skin a rough feeling. The shape of the skull can be variable, ranging from the classic shape of a porbeagle skull, as seen below, to the broad and flat shape of a hammerhead shark. Shark skin feels like sandpaper because it has small rough placoid scales (also known as dermal denticles). However, tapetum lucidum is a special tissue present in sharks that makes it particularly adept at seeing under water. The spiracle in sharks is used to provide oxygenated blood directly to the eye and brain through a separate blood vessel. This decreases the density of the body providing buoyancy to counteract the sinking tendency of sharks. It is not yet clear how sharks see colours and to what extent, but it is a fairly recent discovery that they are, in fact, able to determine different hues, even in those murky depths. The lower teeth (right) are more straight and slender with finely serrated edges. Shark teeth are not lodged permanently within the jaw, but are attached to a membrane known as a tooth bed. The first is as an energy store since all fatty reserves are stored here. So, they maintain osmotic balance with the seawater. The spiral valve intestine is an internally coiled organ that increases the surface area across which nutrients can be absorbed. The ampullae detect weak magnetic fields produced by other fishes, at least over short ranges. Where Does That Food Go? Seen in this picture of a blue shark are the liver, stomach and intestine. Marine animals are usually osmoconformers, while freshwater species are generally osmoregulators. This is the common opening for the intestine, the urinary tract, and reproductive system. The second function of the liver is to serve as a hydrostatic organ. The peduncle may also be horizontally flattened into lateral keels. Dermal denticles, as seen in this image taken from the dorsal fin of a porbeagle shark, are small tooth-like structures on the skin which form a protective barrier and aid in swimming. src: By ensuring that the cells are at a beable level in terms of the compounds within, the shark ensures that its entire body will function normally and efficiently. Pectoral fins originate behind the head and extend outwards. The blood of the shark is usually isotonic to its watery home. Figure 2 : The skeleton of a porbeagle shark. The crystals reflect light that has already passed through the retina and redirects it back to restimulate the retina as it passes out through the eye. After days of not seeing our shark cut open, we finally got the chance to see the insides. The lateral line allows the shark to orient to particle movement or sound. As a result, it is often dried and used as a leather product or sandpaper. The liver of sharks occupies most of the body cavity. The Bull Shark is one exception. Cloaca, (Latin: “sewer”), in vertebrates, common chamber and outlet into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open. }); Excretoryopenings with an… In animal anatomy, a cloaca /kloʊˈeɪkə/ kloh-AY-kə is the posterior orifice that serves as the only opening for the digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts (if present) of many vertebrate animals, opening at the vent. Urea is essential for the metabolism of compounds containing Nitrogen within their bodies and tissues. These substances assist to maintain the animal’s isotonicity. //

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